Welcome to Term 4 Week 1
Principal Report
Sunday Connection
Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B Sunday, October 17, 2021
Gospel Reading Mark 10:35-45 (shorter form Mark 10:42-45)
Jesus teaches that those who wish to be great must be the servant of all.
Background on the Gospel Reading
In this Sunday’s Gospel, we continue to read from the section of Mark’s Gospel that reports Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem. Last Sunday we heard Jesus lament the particular challenges those with many possessions face in order to enter the Kingdom of God. Jesus then predicts his passion to the Twelve, who are amazed and afraid. In this part of Mark’s Gospel, Jesus’ words to his closest disciples seem to be intended to prepare them for the events that will occur in Jerusalem.
In Sunday’s Gospel, James and John ask to be given seats of honour when Jesus enters into his glory. Once again, the disciples seem to be selective in what they hear Jesus say. They want to share Jesus’ glory but do not appear to understand that his glory will be preceded by his suffering. Jesus notes their lack of understanding and predicts the suffering they will endure for the sake of the Gospel. Jesus says that the honour they seek is not his to give. When the other ten hear what James and John have asked, Mark reports that they are indignant. Jesus takes the opportunity to teach them.
Jesus explains the importance of service and sacrifice in the life of a disciple. In particular, he seems to be preparing the Twelve for their leadership roles in the emerging Christian community. Echoing the Gospel we heard several weeks ago (on the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Mark 9:33-37), Jesus acknowledges that his teaching is countercultural. In Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus contrasts the dynamics within the community of disciples with those shown by the rulers of the Gentiles.
Following Jesus’ example of sacrificial love continues to be countercultural in our day as well. We might take this opportunity to consider our models of authority and examine our own exercise of authority. On whose example do we model our leadership?
Excerpts from the Sunday Connection copyright © Loyola Press. Used with permission. Visit www.LoyolaPress.com for more information.
RE News
October is traditionally the month of the Rosary. This form of prayer has been part of the Catholic tradition for hundreds of years. The beads used in this prayer, help us to focus on the sequence of important events in the life of Mary and Jesus, and the significance these events have for us in our spiritual lives. The Rosary consists of five decades of Hail Marys with each decade separated by an Our Father. Each decade commences with naming up a particular event, in sequence, followed by a particular need being prayed for. Through praying the Rosary, we can ask Mary, the Mother of God, to intercede for us our needs. The Rosary is often used to pray for peace in the world. Some of the classes will be learning about the Rosary in Godly Play during the month of October.
Student Representative Council
Up Coming fundraiser – Wear pink and walk for others.
On Tuesday 26th October the whole school will be participating in two fundraising activities. Students are asked to wear something pink and will be walking laps of the fitness track with their buddy to raise awareness for breast cancer and diabetes.
A gold coin donation is requested.
School News
CLASS PLACEMENTS: When we are working out the students’ class groupings each year, we take may factors into consideration eg: ability groupings, gender balance, special needs, and groupings. If parents have specific requests they wish to be considered as well, please put these in writing addressed to Mrs Christina Gretton and leave them at the office or with the class teachers by no later than 27th October 2021. The request should be clearly stated with a reason for making that request. As you would appreciate, it is a difficult task and impossible to keep everyone happy.
I ask you to remember 3 things:
- Children adapt more easily than parents
- We consider all factors thoroughly
- In the end the leadership team make the final decision.
If you wish your child to repeat a year, or you are consider relocating or will not be attending Stella Maris in 2022, could you please inform the school office in writing as per the Terms and Conditions on your child’s signed Enrolment Acceptance.
Dear Families
We have reviewed our book list process and implemented the following changes. 2022 students will receive their book packs early December and the cost will be added to the 2022 school fee accounts. We believe this is a easier process for parents and students as it allows more time to cover books in preparation for the new school year
Grade 5/6 boys Stella basketballers competed in the Devonport Schools Tournament recently winning their way through to the grand final where they were defeated by rivals Burnie Primary. Well played boys!
Mason Reece Jobe Pringle
Harrison Pointon Harry Palmer
Maxwell Innes Harry Hodgetts
Jye Cobbing Matthew Vincent
Cooper Baker Lincoln Kelly
P & F News
Outside News