Welcome to Term 3 Week 9
Principal Report
Sunday Connection
Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B Sunday, September 19, 2021
Gospel Reading Mark 9:30-37 Jesus teaches his disciples that the greatest are those who serve all.
Family Connection
Conversations such as the one described in Sunday’s Gospel are common in family life. Perhaps these examples are familiar: “I should get the first piece of cake because I am the youngest;” “I did the dishes yesterday; someone else should do them today.” How might we respond if Jesus asked about our family arguments? What would Jesus say to us in reply? All of us need the reminder found in Sunday’s Gospel: To be great in God’s Kingdom is to be the servant of all.
As you gather as a family, recall a recent family argument about household chores or an example of bickering among family members. Talk about what was at issue in the argument. Together imagine that Jesus entered the room just as the argument ended. What would you tell Jesus your argument was about? What might Jesus say in reply? Read together Sunday's Gospel, Mark 9:30-37. How was your family argument like the argument among Jesus’ disciples? What might your family do to remember that those who are great in God’s kingdom are those who willingly serve others? Pray together that your family life will reflect your commitment to serve one another with love. Pray Saint Ignatius of Loyola’s Prayer for Generosity.
Prayer for Generosity - St. Ignatius of Loyola
Eternal Word, only begotten Son of God,
Teach me true generosity.
Teach me to serve you as you deserve.
To give without counting the cost,
To fight heedless of wounds,
To labor without seeking rest,
To sacrifice myself without thought of any reward
Save the knowledge that I have done your will.
Excerpts from the Sunday Connection copyright © Loyola Press. Used with permission. Visit www.LoyolaPress.com for more information.
RE News
Congratulations to our students who last week received their Sacraments of Reconciliation, Confirmation and Eucharist.
Macklan Votavota, Maeve Hart, Sophia Williams, Kai Gibson, Lucy Williams, Oliver Pointon, Xavier Long, Abigail Edwards, Abigale Bassett-Couacaud, Oliver Radford, Finn Pinner, Darcy Pinner, Christina Gerwin
Student Representative Council
This week Lacey and Jobe spoke about maintaining a safe and clean environment. This helps to have a school that is pleasant to look at but also one that doesn’t cause unnecessary sickness. Jobe noticed that everyone has been remembering to not take wrappers outside to play which has helped keep the school environment clean and tidy. Lacey has observed that most students have been coughing into their elbows and washing their hands after sneezing and before eating. This also helps to keep our school clean and safe.
Last week on MJR Radio Maverick and Matthew spoke about solving classroom problems appropriately. A good way to solve problems without becoming angry or hurtful toward others is to follow the following steps whenever a problem arises.
Check – See If You’re Angry
Hold on – Calm Down & Think
Analyse – Figure Out the Cause
Reflect – On Possible Solutions
Go for it – Pick a Solution
Evaluate – See What Happened
Remember that the teacher or another adult is always there to help you work through the above steps.
SRC Shoe Shining Service – Every Monday
For a gold coin donation your brown school shoes can be cleaned by a member of the SRC at recess.
Donations will now go towards a charity yet to be decided by the SRC
The Greatest Shave
Last Monday Braydon, Caleb and Lincon all shaved their heads to help raise money for cancer. Each boy had their own personal reason for being part of this event which made it and even more meaning event. Over $600 has been raised. Thank you to everyone who made a donation.
School News
Kindergarten: Thursday 23rd September
Prep to Grade 6 - Friday 24th September
Children are invited to dress in their footy team colours for the day
Congratulations to these students who received the "Just Like Jesus" award at assembly. It means that they have been 'caught' treating others in an extra respectful manner.
We encourage our families of Stella Maris Catholic Primary School to take time to read the link below which discusses the importance of encouraging and positive behaviors from parents and adult spectators at children's sport
Dear Families,
Thank you all for your valued survey contributions. The survey results and broad consultation discussions have resulted in the following initial uniform changes:
· To allow Kinder - Grade 2 students the option to wear their sports uniform every day (as a trial for the rest of this year). The parent, student and staff surveys indicated a strong majority were in favour of this change to allow for improved comfort and movement for our early years students. This will commence from next week. Please note, if families prefer, students also have the option to wear their regular school uniform.
· Skorts (black) have been added as an option for students in Grades 3 - 6 which can be worn in summer with the formal short sleeved summer shirt.
· To accommodate the comfort & fitting requests with the winter tunic we will provide the option of just the skirt instead of the bib and skirt for Grades 3 - 6.
To advance our school's mission we will be engaging a specialised education consultative group to complete a refresh of our school image and brand which will provide further clarity and focus on our school colours and uniform choices.
I can be contacted directly should you have any queries around the uniform changes.
Thank you,
Christina Gretton
Acting Principal
Position Vacant (CET)
P & F News
Stella Maris Facebook Policy
We will be merging our Parents & Friends Facebook page with our main Stella Maris Catholic School Facebook page in the coming weeks. Please like our Stella Maris Burnie Facebook page for all future updates. The Parents & Friends Facebook page will cease in approximately four weeks. Thanks for your understanding. A reminder that all Facebook comments are to be supportive as per our Facebook Policy.
As per our Facebook Policy implemented in February 2021, please note: 'Other Facebook Pages or Groups, which make reference to Stella Maris Catholic School or which make reference to any class groups or grades, are not to be set up by parents/carers or any other people other than Stella Maris Catholic School Administration'. Please be reminded that Facebook Pages and/or Group Messenger apps must be used for positive purposes only. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Outside News