Welcome to Term 4 Week 5 2024
Deputy Principal Report
Making Jesus Real (MJR)
This week we had Peter ‘Mitch’ Mitchell visit our school to work with students from Grades 3-6. Mitch is the face behind the program Making Jesus Real (MJR) which is used across many Catholic schools in Australia. Mitch would not call it a program but rather a ‘way of life’.
Central to the MJR program is self-growth and the acknowledgement of where we see the Spirit of Jesus (SOJ) in ourselves and others. In his work with students Mitch defines the Spirit of Jesus as the little things we do and say everyday that helps to make someone’s day.
It is in fact these little things that amount to creating an environment where we feel known, safe and loved. I have shared below some excerpts from reflections that have taken place this week with some of our students.
I saw the SOJ when …
Tom went and comforted Zuriel when he got hurt. (Compassion)
Bell ran into Ivy and she asked if she was okay. (Caring)
At soccer Able said to Hunter “Great save”. (Encouraging)
I saw the SOJ in myself when …
I ‘high-five’ Layla and said, “Thanks for being my partner”. (Welcoming)
I said sorry to my friend after we had a disagreement. (Forgiveness)
I came to school this morning and I said, “Good morning” to my teacher. (Respect)
Just Leadership Day
This week we also held the annual ‘Just Leadership’ day where selected Year 5 students from North West Tasmanian Catholic Schools gather together to learn about social justice, leadership and the work of charitable organisations such as Caritas, St Vincent de Paul and Catholic Mission. It was a wonderful opportunity for our students to connect and collaborate with students from other schools, building their confidence and passion for social justice initiatives.
Take the time this coming week to talk over dinner with your child about where they saw themselves or others being brave, curious and kind.
Ben McCulloch
Deputy Principal
RE News
Religious Education News
Reflection on the Sunday Gospel –
Gospel - Gospel - Mk 12:38-44
Jesus notices a poor widow’s offering and commends her great sacrifice.
Sunday’s Gospel leads us to think about our family’s financial contributions to our parish community, the diocese, other Church-sponsored organizations, and other charitable organizations. Good stewardship invites us to share our treasure as well as our time and talent. Sometimes, however, decisions about a family’s charitable giving are made without our children’s knowledge. Yet we teach more when we invite all family members to be aware of how we contribute to our Church and to other charitable organizations.
As you gather as a family, talk about your family’s financial contributions to your parish and to other Church activities. If your family supports other charitable organizations, you might talk about these as well. Talk together about why it is important for us to share our resources with these organizations. Read the Gospel, Mark 12:41-44. Talk about what Jesus observes about the generosity of the poor widow. Talk also about ways in which your family might also make a sacrificial gift to support your parish or other charitable organization. (Perhaps your family might choose not to go out to dinner but to contribute the money to your parish). Invite all family members to participate in the decision about what action you will take and which organization you will support with your contribution. Conclude in prayer together asking God to help your family be generous like the poor widow in today’s Gospel.
Loyola Press
In November, WE Remember
November is a month dedicated to the Feasts of All Saints and All Souls. This period invites us to honor and reflect on the lives of those who have passed away, acknowledging the enduring significance they hold in our hearts. It serves as an opportunity to share cherished stories, reminisce about fond memories, and contemplate the legacies of those no longer with us.
The Empty Chair, prominently displayed in our school foyer, stands as a poignant symbol. It encourages us not only to remember those who have departed but also to value and appreciate the presence of those who remain in our lives.
Students will also have the opportunity to reflect and remember those who have dies by adding remembrance flowers to our tree.
Stella Stars
Sessions: 9.15 am - 10.45 am & 12.00 pm - 1.30 pm
Bookings through Facebook: Stella Stars Early Years Learning
Uniform Update
It is wonderful to see the new uniform starting to transition into the school. We have welcomed feedback on its quality, comfort, and presentation and are currently working with Midford to explore an additional/alternate-fitting shape for the polo top to ensure comfort and presentability for all students.
As the remaining items (i.e., track jacket) become available, we will update you.
The Uniform Shop will be open every Monday from 1.00pm -3.30pm from 25th November
Bookings not necessary
Grade 5 Students - Graduate Jacket Fittings
Monday 11th and Monday 18th of November 3.00 pm - 5.00 pm
The booking link is available via your Compass App
Kindergarten 2025 Fittings
Will be held on orientation days in November (15th, 22nd & 29th November)
Please keep an eye out via your emails and Compass for further details next week
School Canteen
The school canteen will be closed for the year from
Thursday 11th December
Rememberance Day
Haiku's, created by Yashika, Perlina and Angelise - Grade 6
NW School Basketball Tournament
Over the weekend, 40 students from Stella Maris Primary School participated in the North-West School Basketball Tournament, hosted at both the Devonport and Ulverstone stadiums. The basketball community, along with family and friends, witnessed countless memorable moments from our students. It was truly inspiring to see our teams rallying behind one another on the court and from the sidelines, exemplifying outstanding sportsmanship, enthusiasm, and school spirit!
Numerous uplifting stories have emerged from the tournament as all our teams embodied our core values. The students had the chance to work as a team, showcase their abilities, and enhance their skills in a vibrant and competitive atmosphere, highlighted by several thrilling, nail-biting matches!
A heartfelt thank you is extended to all the coaches, managers, referees and parents who made this opportunity possible. It was a remarkable weekend with an exceptional group of children proudly representing Stella Maris Primary School. We are immensely proud of each and every one of them!
Go, Stella Maris!
Library News
Colour Fusion
Our Grade 2,3 and 4 students' paper collage was installed in the library today by Mr Jeremy Day and Mrs Lynne Fergusson. This installation, entitled "Colour Fusion", was created by more than 150 students who collaborated through the process of individually making paper squares using simple geometrical shapes and then assembling them to create this fantastic rainbow banner.
Well done team!
Tanya Boon
Important Upcoming Dates
Monday 18th November - Grade 1 Movie & Park Excursion
Wednesday 20th November - NW Athletics (selected students)
Thursday 21st November - Kinder Red & Grade 3/9 Teddy Bears Picnic Excursion
Friday 22nd November - All Schools Triathlon Devonport
Monday 25th November - Uniform Shop Open 1pm-3.30pm
Wednesday 27th November - PREP Wings Wildlife Excursion
Thursday 28th November - Grade 4 Movie Excursion
Thursday 28th November - Kinder Blue & Grade 3/10 Teddy Bears Picnic Excursion
Friday 29th November - It Takes A Spark STEM (Selected Students)
Monday 2nd December - Uniform Shop Open 1pm-3.30pm
Monday 2nd December - Grade 6 Marist Orientation Day
Monday 9th December - Book Packs Home with Children
Monday 9th December - End of Year Reports Home
Monday 9th December - Uniform Shop Open 1pm-3.30pm
Tuesday 10th December - Grade 6 Fun Day
Thursday 12th December - End of Year Concert 2024
Friday 13th December - Grade 6 Awards Assembly
Monday 16th December - Grade 6 Liturgy and Dinner Celebrations
Monday 16th December - Uniform Shop Open 1pm - 3.30pm
Tuesday 17th December - Last Day of Term 4: - Final Day for students & teachers
Tuesday 21st January - Uniform Shop at Stella Open 12.00pm - 4.00pm
Wednesday 22nd January - Uniform Shop at Stella Open 10.00am-3.00pm
Thursday 23rd January - Uniform Shop at Stella Open 9.00am-12.00pm
Friday 7th February - Term 1 2025 commences
Monday 10th March - Eight Hour Day Public Holiday
Thursday 10th April - Term 1 concludes
Monday 28th April - Term 2 commences
Monday 9th June - Kings Birthday Public Holiday
Friday 4th July - Term 2 concludes
Tuesday 22nd July - Term 3 commences
Friday 26th September - Term 3 concludes
Tuesday 14th October - Term 4 commences
Monday 3rd November - Recreation Day Public Holiday
Wednesday 17th December - Term 4 concludes - Final day for students & teachers
Outside News