Welcome to Term 3 Week 9 2024
Principal's Report
Dear Families,
As the end of this term draws close, we would like to express our sincere gratitude for the support and kindness shown towards our students and staff here at Stella Maris Catholic School. We are one vast school community with over 430 children, representing over 290 families and over 50 staff members. Our school vision of being Brave, Curious, & Kind, just like Jesus, is visible in the interactions and conversations that take place every day, day after day. We are incredibly blessed and honoured that our families chose Stella Maris as their preferred primary educational setting.
We wish you a safe and joyous term break. Term 4 is significant, culminating in our Christmas Concert at Marist Regional College on Thursday, 12th December, commencing at 6 pm. Further information about this and other key dates will be promulgated early in Term 4.
Kind regards,
Christina Hynes
RE News
Reflection on the Sunday Gospel –
Gospel - Mark 8:27-35
Peter declares that Jesus is the Christ, and Jesus teaches that those who would follow him must take up his or her cross.
Peter had expectations about what it meant to call Jesus the Messiah, the Christ. Jesus was indeed the Messiah, but his life and death would show a different understanding of what it means to be the Messiah. We, too, have expectations of God and our own ideas about what we think God ought to be doing in our world. Like Peter, however, we may risk limiting our image of God by thinking only in human ways. God's plan is always more that we can ever imagine.
As you gather as a family, talk about what we expect God to be doing in our world and in our family life. Then read today's Gospel, Mark 8:31-35. Why do you think Peter was so upset by what Jesus was saying? Notice how Jesus reprimands Peter. Do we sometimes forget to let God be God for us? That is, do we sometimes get discouraged because God doesn't act in our world in the ways that we expect? Pray together that we will remember that God is always working for the world's salvation in ways that are beyond our imagination. Conclude by praying together today's psalm, Psalm 116.
Loyola Press
Grade Level Liturgy Reflections…
Kinder Liturgy
The Kinder students gathered to hear the Word of God. The theme of the Liturgy was Celebrating Our school Family – the friendships we have made and grown over the course of the Kinder year.
The word of God – John 15:9-12
I have loved you, just as my Father has loved me. So, remain faithful to my love for you. If you obey me, I will keep loving you, just as my Father keeps loving me, because I have obeyed him. I have told you to this to make you as completely happy as I am. Now I tell you to love each other, as I have loved you.
A reflection
Thank you God, for blessing us with good friends.
Friends who make us smile,
Friends who make us laugh
Friends who give us hugs,
Friends who lift our spirit up
Friends who listen, share and care
Friends who help us to be a good friend too.
Grade Level Liturgy Reflections…
Grade 1 Liturgy
The Grade 1 students gathered to hear the Word of God at Star of the Sea Church with Fr. John. The theme of the Liturgy was Following in the footsteps of Jesus.
The word of God – John 13:34
Jesus said “Go and do the same”
“I give you a new commandment: love one another. Just as I have loved you, you must also love one another”. The apostle Paul goes on to tell us “Love does no wrong to a neighbour.
A Reflection
Think about someone you love or someone who you think needs love.
What can you do for that person to show them love and kindness?
Take a minute to think about that person, and how you might be able to love them in the way Jesus would.
Use this moment to pray for that person.
We must learn to walk in Jesus’ steps, even if it seems His stride — His standard, His example, His way of living and loving and forgiving — seems much bigger than the level we’re used to walking in right now. By following the footprints of Jesus, it makes it easier for us to know what to do when we feel unsure, how to act, what to say, what we shouldn’t say, and so on.
Celebrating Mercy
Our kindness tree continues to blossom as the end of term nears.
It has been lovely to see a visual representation of all the kind words and actions that are shown to others within our school community.
Some examples of kindness that are being shown within our school include –
Helping a friend when they fell over
Making a friend laugh when they were feeling sad
Including others in my play who were lonely
Opening a door for others
Picking up rubbish in the playground
Cuddling my sad friend
And so many more….
Sacramental Candidates 2024
Congratulations to the following students for preparing to receive their Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Eucharist in the Catholic Community.
They have spent the last four weeks learning about and preparing to receive these special Sacraments. The culmination of this preparation happens at Star of the Sea Church this Tuesday night at 6pm for the Rite of Reconciliation and then on Sunday at 10am for their First Eucharist.
Congratulations, Indi, Ryan, Natalie, Tate & Miranda.
Parent Engagement Group
Thank you to the parents that were able to make our recent meeting.
Our next meeting will be in the staff room on Thursday, 24th of October 3.15pm - 4.00pm
New members are always welcome.
Stella Maris Business Register
The school is looking to develop a business register to support the Parent Engagement Group with sponsorship and future fundraising events. If you own or are associated with a business that can potentially support our school please complete this form by Friday 18th October.
Uniform Shop
An important uniform notice will be sent via Compass by early next week communicating our latest update on uniform and opening hours of the uniform shop in Term 4.
Stella Stars
Sessions: 9.15 am - 10.45 am & 12.00 pm - 1.30 pm
Bookings through Facebook: Stella Stars Early Years Learning
Uniform Update
22nd August 2024
Dear Parent & Guardians
We are excited to announce that our new Stella Maris Uniform will be available from mid-October. Below is a welcome letter from Midford.
Uniform Design
Please see attached our final design which includes the addition of a beanie. Our intended timeline was pushed out by several weeks due to design amendments made in the final stages of the review.
Uniform Shop
Midford will offer online shopping as well as an in store option in East Devonport. Stella Maris will also hold a line of each clothing item in all sizes in our current uniform shop for families to access for sizing purposes.
Prior to the beginning of the school year in 2025, Midford will also open a ‘Pop Up’ shop for two weeks at Stella Maris to assist with ease of purchasing the new uniform.
Uniform Policy
The school is currently working on a revised Uniform Policy to accompany the launch of our new uniform. This will be released prior to the end of Term 3.
Stock & Old Uniform
The school is working with a church group to arrange the donation of stock from the previous uniforms to primary schools in the Milne Bay Province of Papua New Guinea. There will likely be an opportunity for clean, good condition used uniforms to be returned to school later in the year to be included in the shipment.
Change-Over Period
A reminder that there is over a two year period to transition into the new uniform. This extended period will allow time for families to acquire the necessary uniform items and adjust to the new dress code.
For your reference see key correspondence below that outlines timelines and transition periods which now come into effect from Term 4, 2024.
Kind regards,
Stella Maris Leadership Team
School Hats
Stocks are running low with school hats. As you are aware, hats are to be worn from September until April in line with the sun smart policy. There will be a grace period for children wearing non-uniform hats until the new uniform arrives in Term Four.
We appreciate your understanding while we cross over to the new uniform.
Cheryl Gration
Uniform Shop Assistant
Booklist Update for 2025
The school is in the process of arranging booklist orders for 2025. As communicated at the end of last year we have conducted a thorough review and audit of booklist items. Our focus has been to minimise over ordering, build consistency in approaches across the Early Years and Grades 3-6 and to ensure materials reflect recent changes in teaching practice (e.g, use of mini-whiteboards).
Some book lists have been reduced in cost by two-thirds which will be welcomed by parents. Where practicable, we will ensure surplus from this year is passed up to the following grade level to minimise wastage.
Thank you for your patience and understanding with this matter.
Ben McCulloch
Deputy Principal
Assembly Awards
Just Like Jesus Awards
Congratulations to the students who received Achievement Awards and the "Just Like Jesus"
award in our recent assembly.
Our "Just Like Jesus" award recognises those who have been 'caught' treating others with extra respect.
Classroom Awards
Well done to students who were recognised for their efforts and application in their learning in their classrooms
Stella Cup
We would like like to congratulate Miss Bradley's and students from Grade 5 Room 14 for their positive behaviours in last week's assembly and showing:
-Reverence when entering/exiting assembly
-Clapping in a responsible/respectful way (no yelling or screaming)
-Standing up/sitting down silently for the National Anthem
- Right Time Right Place (RTRP) when watching the PBS videos
SRC News
Stella Maris Triumphs at the Annual Interschool Chess Tournament
Hold onto your rooks and pawns, folks! The battlefield of brains has just witnessed a glorious clash of titans, and guess what? Our very own Stella Maris Chess Club has emerged as the reigning champions at the Leighland Christian School Interschool Chess Tournament!
On Monday the 9th of September, 18 of our most strategic students ventured forth into the arena, armed with nothing but their wits and an undying love for chess. The competition was fierce, with 7 gruelling rounds testing every participant’s wit and courage. But our students were not to be outmatched. They displayed a level of skill that even the grand masters of chess would nod at in approval.
In a display that could only be described as a strategic symphony, our Stella Maris squad didn’t just participate—they dominated! We are thrilled to announce that our brilliant team won the coveted Team Event! With our top rated players, Ibrahem AL-Shamri, Piper Gleeson, Lincoln Boxhall and Xavier Allen receiving medals. Cue the confetti, and imagine the cheers echoing through the halls of Leighland’s multipurpose room!
But that’s not all—our very own Piper Gleeson dazzled the crowd and chessboard alike, clinching the title of Top Performing Girl. Piper’s moves were so slick, even her opponents had to pause and admire her finesse before scrambling to their next move.
And let’s not forget the grandmaster in the making, Ibrahem AL-Shamri, who soared to an impressive Third Place Overall. Ibrahem’s prowess on the chessboard was nothing short of spellbinding—his opponents were left scratching their heads, wondering if they’d just faced off against a wizard!
Our chess champions have truly outdone themselves, proving once again that Stella Maris is not just a school but a chess powerhouse. Congratulations to all 18 students for their remarkable effort and sportsmanship! We’re already looking forward to next year’s tournament, where we expect nothing less than a grand chess revolution.
Daniel House
Jump Rope For Heart
Stella Maris Jump Rope Campaign
Thanks to all the students for their efforts over the past weeks, getting hooked on skipping. We saw some terrific improvements and great enthusiasm for improving and developing skipping skills.
Many thanks from the Heart Foundation for the $2500 raised by our students. Special mention to Angelisse Kennedy (Gr6) as our top fundraiser for her efforts in raising $1119.25.Other top fundraisers were Harrison Denny, Angus Eddington, Francesco Fernandini, Mia Fernandini, Mason Jago, Adelyn van Tholen, Elsie van Tholen, Reuben Clark and Marion More.
Special thanks to our Health teacher Mrs Triffett for her great work on heart health and a SUPER WELL DONE to the grade 6 Skipping display team.
Prizes will be distributed to students at the beginning of Term 4.
Jump Rope For Heart Fun
Grade 1 Room 5 had loads of fun recently with their buddies learning and improving their skipping skills.
Prep 3 showing off their new and improved jumping skills and having loads of fun doing so.
Grade 1 Room 5
In preparation for Mercy Feast Day, Grade One Room 5 children have been taking a deep dive into how they can spread kindness and what this looks like. We explored the two greatest commandments – “Love the Lord your God with all your heart” and “Love your neighbour as yourself”.
We started by unpacking our understandings of what Love means. This is love understood and described by 7-year-olds –
“Love is not turning your back on someone when they need you the most” – Francesco
“Love is a movie night with my family and spending time together” – Sadie
“Love is putting someone else’s needs before your own” – Zoe
“Love is helping one another, being kind and spending time with your family” – George
“Love is sharing your toys when you don’t need them anymore” – Daisy
“Love is letting people join your game when they’re all alone” – Keeyan
“Love is when you care for others” - Nash
Green Team News
The Green Team is organising an art project to create a mural for our garden using recycled bottle tops.
If you could save up any lids from milk, fizzy drinks, yoghurt pouches or any other round lids and send them to school that would be great, there is a box in each classroom to put them in. Please give them a quick wash before sending them in if possible.
There is also an art competition where students can enter their designs to have it chosen as the winning design for the mural. Entries close Wednesday, September 25th.
The Green Team Leaders will collect the top entries from each class and decide on the overall winning design.
Grade 1 Room 6
While learning about different prayers, Room 6 created their own bracelet rosaries.
Kinder Excursion
Kinder had lots of fun on their excursion to the Burnie Fire Station and Star of the Sea Catholic Church this morning.
Thanks to Alex, Elyse & their firefighter friends for teaching us how to stay safe in an emergency & for letting us explore the fire truck.
Kinder ended their outing by sharing a prayerful moment together at the Church.
For many of us it was our first time going on a bus ride today too!
Schools Cricket Blast Program
* Cricket TAS would like to run a Cricket Blast Program at Stella Maris
* Afterschool Program commencing at 3.05pm until 4pm
* $75 for a 6 week program commencing on Wednesday 6th November - Wednesday 11th December
* Flyer to be handed out to students/ put in student newsletter with QR code/link to register
* All gear supplied by Cricket TAS
Footy Colours Day
On Thursday the 26th of September we encourage students and staff to attend school wearing an item of clothing or an accessory representing their favourite football team.
Outside News
Parent Resources
Important Upcoming Dates
Friday 20th September - Grade 6 Metro Burnie Cinemas Excursion
Saturday 21st September - BNA Winter Roster Concludes
Monday 23rd September - Grade 6 - Camp Banksia - 2 nights
Wednesday 25th September - Whole school Mercy Feast Mass
Thursday 26th September - Footy Colours Day
Friday 27th September - Last Day of Term 3
Friday 4th October - Burnie Show Day (public holiday)
Tuesday 15th October - First Day of Term 4
Monday 21st October - Grade 5 - Camp Banksia - 2 nights
Monday 21st October - State Chess Finals Hobart (selected students)
Monday 21st October - Elf The Musical Excursion (Grade 3)
Thursday 24th October - PEG Meeting 9.45am - Staff Room
Thursday 24th October - Grandparents Day (Kinder) 12.00pm - 1.00pm
Friday 25th October - Grandparents Day (Prep - Gr 6) 12.30pm - 2.30pm
Monday 28th October - Grade 4, 5, 6 Swimming Programs - 2 weeks
Monday 4th November - Recreation Day Public Holiday
Saturday 9th & Sunday 10th November - NW BTas Schools Championships (selected students)
Wednesday 20th November - NW Athletics (selected students)
Friday 22nd November - All Schools Triathlon Devonport
Monday 2nd December - Grade 6 Marist Orientation Day
Monday 9th December - Book Packs Home with Children
Monday 9th December - End of Year Reports Home
Thursday 12th December - End of Year Concert 2024
Friday 13th December - Grade 6 Awards Assembly
Monday 16th December - Grade 6 Liturgy and Dinner Celebrations
Tuesday 17th December - Last Day of Term 4: For Staff & Students
7th February - Term 1 2025 commences
10th April - Term 1 concludes
28th April - Term 2 commences
4th July - Term 2 concludes
21st July - Term 3 commences
26th September - Term 3 concludes
13th October - Term 4 commences
17th December - Term 4 concludes - Final day for students & teachers
Outside News
Burnie School Holidays Tennis Program
Monday 30th September, Tuesday 1st October, Wednesday 2nd October
5 to 8 year olds
9.00 to 10.00am -Cost $15.00 per session or $50.00 for all 4 days
9 to 14 year olds
10.00 to 11.00am - Cost $15.00 per session or $50.00 for all 4 days
Private lessons will be available from 1.00pmFor bookings or enquires please contact Grant on 0417528502All lessons will be conducted by Grant O’Callaghan Tennis Australia Club Coach Professional.