Welcome to Term 2 Week 3 2024
Principal Report
Photo courtesy of Mr Kim Yap Saturday 12th May 2024
From 27 May 2024 to 5 July 2024, after 11 years as a Principal in Catholic Education, I will be taking a period of Principal Renewal Leave. After an extensive period of responsibility as a Principal, it is important that an opportunity is provided to revitalise spiritually and professionally. Catholic Education Tasmania provides Renewal Leave as part of the overall Principal remuneration package. The primary function of Renewal Leave is to support and enhance the Principal in their current role of Ministry, ensuring their continued dedication and effectiveness.
During this Renewal Leave, I will embark on a journey to broaden my educational horizons beyond the Tasmanian context. Specifically, I will travel to Europe to undertake the Camino de Santiago, a 15-day pilgrimage walk from Porto in Portugal to the medieval city of Santiago de Compostela in Spain, where St James, one of Jesus’ twelve apostles, is buried. The Camino has been a significant spiritual journey for Christians for over a thousand years. I am extremely grateful for this opportunity and look forward to sharing my adventures and experiences.
A big thank you to Gavin Blyth and family and Ulverstone Woolworths Supermarket for providing bananas and apples for all our students & staff at our Stella Athletics Carnival last term. We are super grateful for your support. Fresh fruit on hand during such a big event complements our Move Well Eat Well approach at Stella Maris Catholic School.
Pentecost Sunday, Cycle B - Sunday, May 19, 2024
Gospel Reading John 20:19-23
Jesus appears to his disciples and gives them the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Family Connection
Pentecost is sometimes called the birthday of the Church. The Gospel for Pentecost reminds us that the Church begins with the command to forgive. Within the family, the domestic church, we learn how to forgive and how to accept forgiveness. The gift of the Holy Spirit enables us to do both. Sunday is a fitting time to share a family celebration of reconciliation. As you gather together as a family, sit quietly for a few minutes, inviting everyone to reflect upon their need to forgive and to receive forgiveness. If there is a situation or issue within the family that needs attention, spend some time reflecting on how your family might address it. Read together Sunday’s Gospel, John 20:19-23. Talk together about how Jesus gave us the gift of the Holy Spirit to help us in the work of forgiveness and to bring us peace. Pray together Sunday’s psalm or the Prayer to the Holy Spirit, asking that the Holy Spirit help your family. Share with one another the Sign of Peace.
Ref: Excerpts from the Sunday Connection copyright © Loyola Press. Used with permission. Visit www.LoyolaPress.com for more information.
RE News
Reflection on the Sunday Gospel – Mark 16:15-20
The Ascension of the Lord
Sunday marked our liturgical celebration of the Ascension of the Lord when Jesus was taken to heaven on the fortieth day after Easter. The Gospel of Mark notes that Jesus ascended to sit at the right hand of God. In noting this, Mark teaches that Jesus’ ascension affirms the glory Jesus received from God after his death and Resurrection.
It can be very important to know who we sit next to. Any family that has tried to sit down to a family dinner or packed the car for a trip has heard children argue at least once about who should sit where. To sit next to someone, especially if that person is important, is to have a place of honour. Jesus has this place of honour seated at God’s right hand, but there’s more to this metaphor than where Jesus sits in relation to God. To be in a place of honour is also to be in a place of power. Knowing people in powerful places can be helpful. Our children remind us of this each time we are called upon to referee a conflict. Jesus, honoured at God’s right hand, is a powerful ally for us.
As you gather as a family, recall a time when there was a discussion, or perhaps even an argument, about where people were going to sit. Talk about why it might be important to a person to sit in a particular place. Observe that in Sunday’s Gospel, we learnt about Jesus’ place in heaven. Talk about what we might learn about the relationship between God and Jesus from the Gospel and what we can learn about Jesus’ relationship with us. We can observe that one of the things we learn is that Jesus continues to help us from this place of honour in heaven.
Loyola Press
Prep Liturgy
This Friday, 17th May, the Prep students, teachers and families will celebrate a Mary and Mother’s prayer liturgy. This will be held in the library at 9.10 am.
The children will hear a story from God’s special book, the Bible, about Mary, our mother, and then spend some time reflecting on the story by wondering and asking questions.
I wonder:
I wonder what Mary was like as a little girl.
I wonder why God chose Mary to be the mother of Jesus.
I wonder how Mary felt about being the mother of Jesus.
I wonder how our mothers are like Mary.
How are our mums like Jesus?
How can we show we are thankful for all that our mums do for us?
Parent Engagement Group
We would like to thank all families who supported our Mother’s Day Stall. We loved seeing the children making decisions with love to provide a gift for their mother on Mother’s Day. The fundraising will assist with making ongoing purchases that will be of benefit for our children.
Thank you to the mothers and children who were able to attend the Mother’s Day Morning Tea. It was wonderful to see the Multi-Purpose Room filled with love and laughter.
We would like to acknowledge the local businesses that provided support to our Mother’s Day Stall.
- Bunning Burnie - Michelle & Tracey
- Indigo House - Alison
- Secret Buddha
Thank you also to the Stella Maris Staff for their help with preparing and supporting the Parent Engagement Group. We would like to thank Noah for taking the photos.
The Parent Engagement Group would like to thank those who assisted with setting up, running the stall, or cooking for the event. A particular thanks to Flo, Sam G, Beck, Carla, Rosey, Tia, Jo, Jenny (Jo Mummy), Jenna G, Emma, Courtney, Danielle Jenner, Nikki P, Constance, Kristen, Jayde, Cassie, Claire, Alysha, and Kazie-Jo.
Parent Engagement Group
Next Meeting
The next meeting of our Parent Engagement Group will be on the 23rd of May at 10:00 a.m. in the staff room. If you cannot attend in person, Zoom will also be available via the link below; it will be live just prior to the meeting commencing.
Join Zoom Meeting
Expression Of Interest - School Advisory Board
The school seeks expressions of interest from parents/carers to join the School's Advisory Board.
The School Advisory Board is important in supporting the Principal on various governance issues, such as strategic planning, local policy development, reviewing the school budget, and the capital works program.
If you are interested in a position, please email or call into the school office for a nomination form: stellamaris@catholic.tas.edu.au
Expressions of interest close Friday, 17th May 2024.
Uniform Shop
Important Update: Term 2 Week 1 - 7
Tuesday 8.30 am - 10.30 am / 1.30 pm - 3.30 pm
Orders placed via Qkr after 10.00 am on a Tuesday and before 10.00 am cutoff the following Tuesday will be processed when the shop is open and sent home with children on the day.
Alternatively, orders can be collected after 11.00 am on Tuesday during opening times.
Stella Stars
Sessions: 9.15 am - 10.45 am & 12.00 pm - 1.30 pm
Bookings through Facebook: Stella Stars Early Years Learning
Kindergarten 2025
If you have children ready to enrol in kindergarten in 2025, our kindergarten enrolment process is open until Monday 1st of July 2024.
Please see the office for a copy of the Enrolement Application Form or download here:
Assembly Awards
Congratulations to the students who received Achievement Awards and the "Just Like Jesus" award in our recent assembly.
Our "Just Like Jesus" award recognises those who have been 'caught' treating others with extra respect.
National Walk Safely To School Day
It was a lovely morning for the 25th annual Walk Safely To School Day, 2024. Thank you to all staff, parents, and children who were able to join us on the walk to school.
Kinder Blue Art Class
Library Volunteers
Please send your expressions of interest to the front office if you would like to help out with Book Club. This role consists of 3-4 visits to school each term to distribute Book Club catalogues and books. It is a great way to help out behind the scenes and meet the staff at Stella Maris. We currently have a vacancy because one of our wonderful volunteers is moving on after three years' helping out. Please contact the school if you are interested in this volunteering opportunity.
Grade 6 Marist Transition Day
On Friday, May 17th, our Grade 6 students will participate in a Transition Visit Morning at Marist Regional College. Children will walk from Stella Maris to the campus at 10.00 am and return at 1.15 pm.
Sports uniform is to be worn.
Students must bring their morning tea.
Lunch packs, including water, will be provided to students by Marist Regional College.
Students will participate in a school tour and some fun activities on the day.
Important Upcoming Dates
Friday 17th May - Grade 6 Marist Transition Morning
Thursday 23rd May - Parent Engagement Meeting 10.00 am (staff room or Zoom)
Friday 24th May - Stella Maris Cross Country Carnival
Monday 3rd June - Monday 1st July - Grade 5 & 6 PCYC Sessions (see Compass/Events)
Friday 7th June - NW Catholic Schools Cross Country Carnival (selected students)
Friday 7th June - Grade 2 Hive Excursion
Monday 10th June - King's Birthday (public holiday)
Friday 14th June - Inter School Chess Tournament
Tuesday 18th June - All Schools Cross County Symmons Plains (selected students)
Friday 21st June - Netball Tasmania Inaugural Netball Championships (selected students)
Monday 1st July - School Photo Day
Monday 1st July - Kindergarten 2025 Applications Close
Friday 5th July - Last Day of Term 2
Tuesday 23rd July - First Day of Term 3
Friday 9th August - Grade 2 MRC - Frozen Excursion
Saturday 21st September - BNA Winter Roster Concludes
Friday 27th September - Last Day of Term 3
Friday 4th October - Burnie Show Day (public holiday)
Tuesday 15th October - First Day of Term 4
Wednesday 20th November - NW Athletics (selected students)
Friday 22nd November - All Schools Triathlon Devonport
Monday 2nd December - Grade 6 Marist Orientation Day
Tuesday 17th December - Last Day of Term 4: For Staff & Students
Performing Arts & Dancing
Sharing of Cultural Performing Arts
Mrs Catherine Robertson is seeking to engage families in sharing their knowledge or passions about dancing and/or performing arts. We would love to celebrate and explore the varying cultures of students within our school during our performing arts time.
Some examples of how you may be involved could include visiting our classes during performing arts time, sharing cultural resources, having your child chat with Mrs Robertson about their knowledge, or sharing a video or photos of your family’s cultural performing arts.
Please reach out to Mrs Catherine Robertson on
Outside News
Burnie Tennis Coaching
Hotshots Tuesday & Thursday 4 to 6-year-olds, Wednesday & Thursday 7 to 11-year-olds yellow Ball 10 to 16-year-olds Junior Comp Squads Junior Private Lessons FREE TRIAL JUNIOR GROUP LESSON For Bookings or Enquires please contact Grant on 0417528502
Each year, the Senator prints calendars, which are distributed throughout the Braddon electorate for all constituents to enjoy.
This year we are opening it up to the Braddon community to submit an image which highlights the Braddon electorate.
Competition entries will reflect the beautiful landscape within the Braddon region and showcase the local communities within the area.
Photos must be taken within the Braddon area, with the Senator's top 5 selected to be posted on Facebook for the community to vote on their favourite 2 photos.
The top 2 photos voted for by the community will be featured on the 2025 calendars with photo credit and will also win a $100 eftpos gift card.
The competition opens 15 May 2025 and closes on 7 June 2025
To enter, please send your image to senator.urquhart@aph.gov.au with a caption explaining your image along with your full name, address and contact phone number.