Welcome to Term 2 Week 1 2024
Principal Report
Gospel Reading John 15:9-17
Jesus commands his disciples to love one another.
Family Connection
In family life, we have many opportunities to show love in action. Each time we postpone a task to tend to the needs of another, we show ourselves to be on the path to following the example of love shown to us by Jesus. Sometimes, the sacrifices we are called upon to make for others are small. But these small choices to love and to serve others prepare us for the larger choices and sacrifices that we may be called upon to make. If we are people who have practised showing our love for others with generosity, we will also be people who are willing to lay down our lives for those we love.
As you gather as a family, talk about the meaning of the word generosity. Ask each family member to describe an action that shows generosity. To be generous is to give freely to others without counting the cost. Recall that generosity is one of the Fruits of the Holy Spirit. Introduce Sunday’s Gospel reading by saying that Jesus taught us to be generous in showing our love for one another. Read together Sunday’s Gospel, John 15:9-17. What examples did Jesus give to us that show this kind of love? (washing his disciples’ feet; accepting death on the cross) Jesus helps us to show this kind of love to others. In Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus promised that God will give us whatever we ask for. One of the things we can ask for from God is a generous spirit so that we can love others as Jesus did. Conclude in prayer together by praying Saint Ignatius of Loyola’s Prayer for Generosity.
Prayer for Generosity - St. Ignatius of Loyola
Eternal Word, only begotten Son of God,
Teach me true generosity.
Teach me to serve you as you deserve.
To give without counting the cost,
To fight heedless of wounds,
To labour without seeking rest,
To sacrifice myself without thought of any reward
Save the knowledge that I have done your will.
Ref: Excerpts from the Sunday Connection copyright © Loyola Press. Used with permission. Visit www.LoyolaPress.com for more information.
Please join me in congratulating the following staff members on their new ongoing appointments:
- Allana Smith - Finance Officer
- Amelia Wilson - Finance Assistant
- Bec Coles - Administration Assistant (Wednesdays & Fridays)
We welcome the following new staff members to Stella Maris:
- Danielle Calvert - Stella Stars (Wednesdays)
- Jeremy Day - Utility Officer
- Sam Bakes - Sam has accepted a full-time Utility Officer position at Marist Regional College (MRC) starting in Term 2. We wish Sam well in her new role.
In 2024, we are committed to continuing our involvement in the Catholic Education Tasmania (CET) Insight Project. The Insight Project, based on the science of learning and teaching, encompasses how we teach in every classroom. This teaching approach empowers all educators to help their students grow in knowledge, wisdom and service.
The Insight project focuses on improving the three key foundations of teaching and learning:
- A comprehensive, knowledge-rich curriculum
- Cognitive Science (the Science of Learning)
- High-Impact Teaching Strategies
We are pleased to be able to share our Stella Maris Annual Plan - 2024 with our school community, which is centred on research and evidence-based practices as detailed in the CET Insight Project. The school will provide regular updates on how we are achieving success in these two crucial areas of Curriculum and Instruction. In addition, we will provide information on each of the teaching approaches from our goals, the first being Rosenshine’s Principles of Instruction (see below).
We look forward to sharing our students' growth with families as we journey through the 2024 school year.
RE News
Reflection on the Sunday Gospel – John 15:1-8
I am the vine, and you are the branches
The vine and the branches are truly symbolic of our relationship with God.
The vine represents Christ; if we are not grounded in Christ, we are unable to bear fruit – our gifts and talents and who we are at the core of our being. We are the branches. The more we stay connected to and grounded in Christ, the more we can live our life to the fullest with his love and guidance. Christ then becomes the centre of our being, the love we share with ourselves and all those around us.
Jesus wants us to know that we are branches that cannot stand alone.
Jesus himself is our gardener who continuously nourishes our spirit. If we remain faithful to Him, our life will prosper and bear much fruit. If we remain loyal to our belief, the hard work we did will result into more than we ever expected.
Jesus wants us to produce fruit. Good fruit, like kindness, generosity, and faithfulness. Most of all, He wants us to love others as He has loved us.
A prayer…
O God, you have made us your vine, that we may bear fruit.
Sometimes, our limbs are strained, our branches broken, our leaves withered on the vine, and we need comfort, encouragement, and renewal.
Feed us with your grace and goodness.
Parent Engagement Group
The next meeting of our Parent Engagement Group will be on the 23rd of May at 10:00am in the staff room. Zoom will also be available via the link below if you cannot attend in person, it will be live just prior to the meeting commencing.
Join Zoom Meeting
Thanks to the PEG group for their assistance with the purchase and installation of our new bike rack.
Expression Of Interest - School Advisory Board
The school is seeking expressions of interest from parents/carers to join the School's Advisory Board.
The School Advisory Board play's an important role in supporting the Principal on a range of governance issues, such as strategic planning, local policy development, reviewing the school budget, and the capital works program.
If you are interested in a position please email or call into the school office for a nomination form: stellamaris@catholic.tas.edu.au
Expressions of interest close Friday, 17th May 2024.
Uniform Shop
Important Update: Term 2 Week 1 - 7
Tuesday 8.30 am - 10.30 am / 1.30 pm - 3.30 pm
Orders placed via Qkr after 10.00 am on a Tuesday and before 10.00 am cutoff the following Tuesday will be processed when the shop is open and sent home with children on the day.
Alternatively, orders can be collected after 11.00am on Tuesday during opening times.
Stella Stars
Sessions: 9.15 am - 10.45 am & 12.00 pm - 1.30 pm
Bookings through Facebook: Stella Stars Early Years Learning
Anzac Day
Thank you to Ms Hynes, Mr McCulloch, Chathri Sanathana, and Jenson Hearps, who represented our school by laying a wreath on the school's behalf for Anzac Day.
National Walk Safely To School Day
Now in its 25th year, the annual event encourages parents and teachers to teach road safety skills and support the importance of regular walking, not just on the 10th of May but every day.
This year, Stella Maris will be part of the National Walk Safely to School Day.
Two walks to school are being offered, parents are welcomed and encouraged to join their children in the walk to School.
The walks to school will be supervised by school staff:
Walk 1 - The meeting point is the Burnie Netball Carpark, Howe Street. Meet @ 8:10 am – departing for school at 8:20 am.
Walk 2 – The meeting point is the former Tas University site (Mooreville Rd) Carpark at 8.00 am - departing for school at 8.10 am.
This excursion begins before school hours, so consent is not required.
Mothers Day
Mothers Day Stall
Thursday 9th May - 10.00 am - 1.20 pm
Following morning tea, the Parent Engagement Group will be hosting a Mother's Day stall where children can buy gifts.
The gifts will be $5.00 each, with a limit of 2 gifts per child. Please send children with the appropriate money. Funds should be in an envelope clearly marked with your child's name.
We would be very appreciative of any time parents and carers could spare to help the day run smoothly from 8.00 am - 1.20 pm on the 9th of May, please let our office team know if your available. If you are able to assist and have not already done so this year, please call into the office to complete our Volunteer Safety Briefing prior to the 9th of May.
Library Volunteers
Please send your expressions of interest to the front office if you would like to help out with Book Club. This role consists of 3-4 visits to school each term to distribute Book Club catalogues and books. It is a great way to help out behind the scenes and meet the staff at Stella Maris. We currently have a vacancy because one of our wonderful volunteers is moving on after three years' helping out. Please contact the school if you are interested in this volunteering opportunity.
Grade 6 Marist Transition Day
On Friday, May 17th, our Grade 6 students will participate in a Transition Visit Morning at Marist Regional College. Children will walk from Stella Maris to the campus at 10.00 am and return at 1.15 pm.
Sports uniform is to be worn.
Students must bring their morning tea.
Lunch packs, including water, will be provided to students by Marist Regional College.
Students will participate in a school tour and some fun activities on the day.
Grade 1
A beautiful day for Grade 1 Room 5 to enjoy making yummy treats for their Teddy Bear's Picnic in Term 1
Grade One has been working super hard learning new digraphs in InitiaLit. At the end of last term, they learnt two new digraphs for the long “a” vowel sound - ai and a
Grade 3 - Wings Wildlife Excursion
Room 10 has been working on "sizzling starts" for their recounts. After their Wings Wildlife trip, the class created an interesting beginning to hook the reader in. Then, they worked hard recounting the most memorable parts of the trip.
Our Wings Wildlife Adventure
Athletics Carnival
What a great, fun, busy, and tiring day we had. Congratulations to everyone, it was truly a team effort from our staff, our enthusiastic students and the amazing Marist helpers.
The weather was perfect for the event, the track was good, and with all the helpers, our tents and markers were set out.
Over the day, we witnessed some fast and close races, exciting relays, and tough tug-of-war. In the afternoon, fun events included the sack race, which provided some laughs and smiles, the fireman's race, which was a great display of teamwork, and the egg and spoon race, which was a test of control and concentration.
Congratulations to Flynn our 2024 Winning House
Flynn 657
Mawson 656
Lyons 630
Hollows 605
Congratulations to our 2024 Grade 6 House Champions
Alistair Crawford, Mackenzie Faulkner and Hazel Wells
Kindergarten Athletics Afternoon
Lots of fun and laughs for our newest members of the Stella Maris family at the Kindergarten Athletics afternoon.
Important Upcoming Dates
Saturday 4th May - BNA Netball Winter Roster
Thursday 9th May - Mothers Day Morning Tea 8.30 am - 9.30 am MPR (Prep - Grade 6)
Thursay 9th May - Kindergarten Mothers Day Afternoon Tea 2.15 pm - Kinder Yard
Thursday 9th May - Mothers Day Stall
Friday 10th May - National Walk Safely To School Day
Friday 17th May - Grade 6 Marist Transition Morning
Thursday 23rd May - Parent Engagement Meeting 10.00 am (staff room or Zoom)
Friday 24th May - Stella Maris Cross Country Carnival
Friday 7th June - NW Catholic Schools Cross Country Carnival (selected students)
Monday 10th June - King's Birthday (public holiday)
Tuesday 18th June - All Schools Cross County Symmons Plains (selected students)
Monday 1st July - School Photo Day
Friday 5th July - Last Day of Term 2
Tuesday 23rd July - First Day of Term 3
Saturday 21st September - BNA Winter Roster Concludes
Friday 27th September - Last Day of Term 3
Friday 4th October - Burnie Show Day (public holiday)
Tuesday 15th October - First Day of Term 4
Wednesday 20th November - NW Athletics (selected students)
Friday 22nd November - All Schools Triathlon Devonport
Monday 2nd December - Grade 6 Marist Orientation Day
Tuesday 17th December - Last Day of Term 4: For Staff & Students
Outside News