Welcome to Term 3 Week 5
Our Mercy Story
All over Australia schools are celebrating 200 years of Catholic Education.
As part of this historical milestone we have been focusing on the life of Catherine McAuley, founder of the Sisters of Mercy. We have been reflecting on the impact she had, and continues to have, in many Catholic schools across the world, including Australia and our own school Stella Maris.
Catherine’s desire to show mercy towards others as Jesus did, was reflected in her actions of choosing to be kind, especially to those in great need, particularly vulnerable children. In being brave to dare to step out and make a difference, Catherine forged the way for the Mercy values.
Catherine’s legacy continued after her death in 1841, with the arrival of a small group of Sisters in Burnie in 1900 and starting up our school. Over many of the years since, through Catherine’s example, these women not only provided academic education, but showed many the way to God. The Mercy values of kindness, compassion and being welcoming to all, no matter their background, continue to be the values that we uphold in our Stella community today. Even though the Mercy Sisters are no longer physically among us, the Mercy spirit lives on in us. This is our Stella story, and what a wonderful story it is. Catherine lived a life of being brave, curious and kind (mercy) in the example of Jesus.
Prep-Grade 6 are being provided with the opportunity to listen to this wonderful and inspiring story which started in Ireland over 240 years ago. Presented through the process of Godly Play, items of significance are laid out before the audience to help them focus, ponder and wonder. Some classes were lucky enough to have as their guest, Sr Margaret Henderson from Hobart. Sr Margaret in one of only two Mercy Sisters in Tasmania today.
Student Representative Council
Last week on MJR Radio Lucy and Sophie reminded us again about the importance of keeping hands, feet and objects to ourselves. Sophie noticed some students fighting in her classroom over an item. It was suggested by another friend to talk about it by listening to one another and a solution was made without the need for physical contact. Lucy noticed at a recess wet play recess time that all the students were sharing and playing fairly. All objects were being in the correct way.
Keeping hands, feet and objects to ourselves was the focus for this week’s MJR radio. Maverick and Jet spoke about everyone feeling safe when playing and it’s important to use equipment properly and not use our body or objects to make anyone feel unsafe. Walking away, getting a drink or playing a different game are all examples of safe reactions when becoming frustrated or annoyed when playing.
SRC Shoe Shining Service
For a gold coin donation your brown school shoes can be cleaned by a member of the SRC at recess. Donations will be going towards The Greatest Shave.
So far $81.00 has been raised.
Braydon’s Greatest Shave
Braydon a member of the SRC is going to shave his head towards the end of Term 3 to raise money for Cancer Research. Any donations can be handed in to your classroom teacher and the SRC will collect these on a Friday.
School News
To help celebrate Book Week, some of our teachers are inviting volunteers into their classrooms to read to the children. Beginning Monday August 23. Please be brave and volunteer! And be quick! Sharing a book with a class of children is one of life's pleasures - you won't want to miss out!
This year's Book Week parade will be held on Tuesday August 24 at 10am. Students are invited to dress up as a book character for the day. Spectators are invited to watch the parade from the basketball court (above the Grade five/six classrooms). Wet weather plans TBC.
Tanya Boon
Congratulations to these students who received the "Just Like Jesus" award at assembly. It means that they have been 'caught' treating others in an extra respectful manner.
It is National Science Week! We have an exciting program this Wednesday. Young Tassie Scientists are visiting us on Wednesday at 11:30. There are also some local events that you might be interested in including:SciVR Virtual Universe at Burnie Library. All this and more can be found on the national science week website:www.scienceweek.net.au
Thank you,
Ms. Malis and Mr. Veenstra
P & F News
Stella Maris Facebook Policy
We will be merging our Parents & Friends Facebook page with our main Stella Maris Catholic School Facebook page in the coming weeks. Please like our Stella Maris Burnie Facebook page for all future updates. The Parents & Friends Facebook page will cease in approximately four weeks. Thanks for your understanding. A reminder that all Facebook comments are to be supportive as per our Facebook Policy.
As per our Facebook Policy implemented in February 2021, please note: 'Other Facebook Pages or Groups, which make reference to Stella Maris Catholic School or which make reference to any class groups or grades, are not to be set up by parents/carers or any other people other than Stella Maris Catholic School Administration'. Please be reminded that Facebook Pages and/or Group Messenger apps must be used for positive purposes only. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Outside News