Welcome to Term 4 Week 3 2023
Principals Report
Gospel Reading
Matthew 5:1-12
Jesus teaches what it means to be happy.
Family Connection
One of the great gifts of our Catholic tradition is remembrance of and prayer with the saints. The Church offers us an official canon, or list, of saints. On All Saints Day, we recall and pray with these saints. It is important to continue to tell these stories of saints and saintly people to our children so that they have ample models of people of faith for their own lives.
Together as a family, name and tell the story of favourite saints. Together prepare a list of some of the traits that these people have in common (generosity, courage, prayerfulness, and so on) After preparing this list, read together the Gospel, Matthew 5:1-12. Identify how the attitudes described in the Beatitudes are reflected in the lives of the saints and people you named.
Pray together as a family a Litany of the Saints. (For example, the leader prays, “St. Elizabeth,” and the children are invited to reply, “Pray for us.”) Include in your list the saints and holy people you named in your discussion. Conclude by praying that your family will follow the example of these people as disciples of Jesus.
Ref: Excerpts from the Sunday Connection copyright © Loyola Press. Used with permission. Visit www.LoyolaPress.com for more information.
Uniform Shop
Opening Hours
Each Tuesday, 8.30am - 12.30pm.
Orders placed via Qkr after 10.00am on a Tuesday and before 10.00am cutoff the following Tuesday will be processed when the shop is open and sent home with children on the day.
Alternatively, orders can be collected after 11.00am on Tuesday during opening times if preferred.
Stella Stars
Sessions: 9.15am - 10.45am & 12.00pm - 1.30pm
Bookings through Facebook: Stella Stars Early Years Learning
Parent Engagement Group - PEG
Assembly Awards
Congratulations to our latest award recipients who have been working hard and inspiring us through actively living the school values in their work and actions towards their peers and staff.
Catherine McAuley
Last Monday all students and staff had a great opportunity to watch a play on the life of Sister Catherine McAuley. It was quite fitting as Stella Maris is the school of Mercy and we follow the Mercy tradition inspired by Catherine McAuley.
The play explored the political, practical and spiritual determination of a young woman, bursting with Irish humour, to fulfil her dream of educating the poor, especially women and girls. It was presented by two performers with great student interactions and follow-up questions. Everyone enjoyed the play and learnt more about our founding Sister.
Launceston Chess Tournament
On Monday, 5 students attended the state championships for Chess with Mr Carlon in Launceston. All students played 9 games in total and there were plenty of ups and downs. Everyone represented Stella Maris in wonderful fashion and our team ended up coming 4th place overall out of 18 teams. Congratulations to all the players on such a great achievement.
SRC Pyjama Dress Up Day
The SRC would like to announce that there will be a whole school pyjama dress-up day on Thursday, November 16th! Yes, that's right....students from Kinder to Grade 6 will all have the opportunity to relax in their pyjamas for the day. The reason for this is to raise some money for the Paediatric Ward at the North West Regional Hospital.
So....wear your favourite pyjamas and bring along a gold coin!
Grade 2 Cambodia Appeal
Grade 2 classes are raising money for the people of Cambodia. Each class has a box for gold coin donations to be kept. The money raised will go towards providing school supplies, food and basic clothing.
School News
It was wonderful to hear about so many of our students and some of our staff taking part in the Burnie 10 last weekend. Well done to all those who participated or cheered on participants in this wonderful community event.
Congratulations to Jakai Wescombe who competed in the 12 yr boys 800m & 1500m events taking silver in both in the recent Tasmanian All Schools Athletics Championships. This has earned him a spot in the Tasmanian State Team to compete in the School Sport Australia Track & Field Championships held in Launceston in November. Jakai also competed in the U14 boys 400m where he also took silver. This earned him a spot in the Tasmanian State Team again to compete in the Australian All Schools Track & Field Championships held in Perth WA in December.
We wish you well and look forward to hearing of your time in Perth Jakai.
Parent Resources
Important Upcoming Dates
Primary School Basketball Championships - Saturday 11th & Sunday 12th November (selected students)
Grade 4, 5, 6 Swimming Program - Monday 30th October - Monday 13th November (daily)
Recreation Day Public Holiday - Monday 6th November
North West Combined Athletics Carnival - Wednesday November 15th (selected students)
Pyjama Dress Day Kindergarten to Grade 6 - Thursday 16th November
Grade 4 Camp Clayton Excursion - Friday 17th November
Grade 1 Guide Falls Farm Excursion - Friday 17th November
Marist College Grade 6 Transition Day - Monday 20th November - More details to come
All Schools Triathlon Challenge - Friday 24th November (children who have submitted registration form)
Grade 4 Tiagarra Excursion - Monday 27th November
Grade 6 Award Presentations - Monday 4th December 9.30am - 10.30am
Prep Wild on West Excursion - Wednesday 6th December 11.30am - 1.30pm
School Concert - Thursday 7th December 6.00pm
Grade 6 Graduation and Dinner - Monday 11th December from 5.30pm
Last Day of Term 4 for Students - Wednesday 13th December
First Day of Term 1 2024 for Students - Wednesday 7th Febuary 2024
Outside News