Welcome to Term 3 Week 1 2023
Principals Report
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle A
Sunday, July 30, 2023
Gospel Reading
Matthew 13:44-52 (shorter form: Matthew 13:44-46)
Jesus teaches about the Kingdom of Heaven.
Family Connection
Like the person who found the buried treasure and the merchant who acquired the pearl of great price, we seek to find the signs of the kingdom of heaven in our lives. In fact, we even work to bring about God’s kingdom in our actions and in our words. We pray that our family values reflect our pursuit of the kingdom of heaven. As Jesus’ disciples, we place everything we value in the service of the pursuit of the Kingdom of God.
As you gather as a family, talk about what your family values. Make a list together of those things that your family considers most important, such as family, friends, faith, trust, and love. Place this list before you as you read Sunday’s Gospel in its shorter form, Matthew 13:44-46. In these parables, Jesus teaches us that it is worth giving up even valuable things in order to possess the kingdom of heaven. Look at the list your family made and talk about how these things are important to the kingdom of heaven. What has your family given up to make these values important in your life? As Jesus’ disciples, we place everything we value in the service of the pursuit of the Kingdom of God. Pray together for God’s kingdom by praying the Lord’s Prayer.
Ref: Excerpts from the Sunday Connection copyright © Loyola Press. Used with permission. Visit www.LoyolaPress.com for more information.
Uniform Shop
Opening Hours
Each Tuesday 8.30am - 12.30pm.
Orders placed via Qkr after 10.00am on a Tuesday and prior to 10.00am cutoff the following Tuesday will be processed when the shop is open and sent home with children on the day.
Alternatively, orders can be collected after 11.00am on Tuesday during opening times if preferred.
The Uniform Shop now has tailored girls long black pants and shorts. There are two styles, one with an elastic back in sizes 12, 14 and 16. Size 10 are on backorder.
The other syle is plain straight available in sizes 8 - 16. Shorts (elastic back) are available in sizes 8 to 16.
Note: Activewear, such as sports tights, are not part of our uniform
Lost and Found
We have had a green bag with child/teen workwear handed into the office at the end of term 2. Please call the office if you have lost this.
Please click on the link below to see our current Canteen Menu
Stella Stars
Sessions: 9.15am - 10.45am & 12.00pm - 1.30pm
Bookings through Facebook: Stella Stars Early Years Learning
Winter Netball Teams
Well done to our students that represented Stella Maris in the 2023 Winter BNA netball roster. We have heard such wonderful feedback from our coaches on the spirit in which the children participated and on how the children's skills and confidence developed throughout the roster.
A huge thank you to our coaches and umpires throughout the season. Without you, it would not be possible for the children to participate.
Kindergarten Fun
Our Kindergarten teachers made a video to celebrate kinder’s last day of Term 2 - dressing up for Floral Friday, joining together for Purple time and watching grade 6 perform three of our prelit stories - Dear Zoo, We’re Going on a Bear Hunt and Handa’s Surprise.
2024 School Term Dates
2024 Term Dates
Term 1: 7th Feb - 11th April
Term 2: 29th Apr - 5th July
Term 3: 22nd July - 27th Sep
Term 4: 15th Oct - 18th Dec
Easter holidays : Good Friday - 29th March, Easter Monday - 1st April & Easter Tuesday - 2nd April
School News
Outside News
Burnie Tennis Coaching
4 to 6 year olds
Red Balls 30 minutes
7 to 8 year olds
Orange Ball 45 minutes
9 to 10 year olds
Green Ball
For bookings or enquires please contact Grant on 0417528502