Welcome to Term 2 Week 4 2023
Principals Report
Gospel Reading
Matthew 28:16-20
Jesus charges his disciples to make disciples of all nations and promises to be with them forever.
Family Connection
Just as Jesus sent his disciples to make disciples, our family, the domestic Church, is called to bear witness to the life of discipleship. That act of witnessing can take many forms. First and foremost, our family should call people to discipleship by the example of our love for one another. That example is only the beginning; our love must extend beyond the family, reaching out to others and to the world.
Together with your family, identify one or more ways in which your family lives the life of Christian discipleship. Thank God for the blessing of the opportunity to be able to show God’s love. Then read together Sunday’s Gospel, Matthew 28:16-20. Discuss what Jesus sends his disciples to do. Work together to identify one or more ways in which your family would like to do a better job bearing witness to the life of discipleship. Choose one of those ways and work together to make it happen. Pray as a family for the grace to be witnesses to the world of the life of discipleship. Pray together the Lord’s Prayer.
Excerpts from the Sunday Connection copyright © Loyola Press. Used with permission. Visit www.LoyolaPress.com for more information.
Sympathy & Prayers
The Stella Maris Catholic School Community has been deeply saddened by the news of the sudden death of Samantha Harding, mother to Jett Arnold from Grade 6, Room 15. Our prayers and thoughts are with Jett, his younger brother Huon, Jett’s Stepfather Jake and their extended family and friends.
We will be providing support at school over the days and weeks ahead for any students, families or community members experiencing stress, grief or loss at this time. Please call the school on 6431 4004 to utilise these services.
Grant Samantha eternal rest, O Lord,
and may your light shine on her forever.
Parental Engagement Group
Mothers Day Stall Thank you
A huge thank you to all parents and wider community members who were able to spare some time to help out with our Mothers Day Stall.
Internet Safety & Social Media
Dear Families,
You are invited to a Parent Information Evening, kindly sponsored by the Tasmanian Catholic Schools Parents Council. The theme of the evening is INTERNET SAFETY & SOCIAL MEDIA:
Topics covered will include:
a) Information Technology (IT) – it is here to stay, so how best to be involved
b) Laws in Tasmania
c) The eSafety government website https://www.esafety.gov.au/
d) Pressures associated with social media, including peer pressure, screen time, cyberbullying plus more
e) Pornography & Groomers
f) Gaming – benefits and problems
g) Other issues, including online gambling, scams, etc
Stella Maris Catholic School - Thursday 25th May, 6 pm: Gr 6 SHAQ Space - refreshments will be available. All parents/carers are welcome to attend:)
Uniform Shop
Opening Hours
Each Tuesday 8.30am - 12.30pm.
Orders placed via Qkr after 10.00am on a Tuesday and prior to 10.00am cutoff the following Tuesday will be processed when the shop is open and sent home with children on the day.
Alternatively, orders can be collected after 11.00am on Tuesday during opening times if preferred.
Stella Stars
Sessions: 9.15am - 10.45am & 12.00pm - 1.30pm
Bookings through Facebook: Stella Stars Early Years Learning
Grade 6 Marist Transition Day
On Friday May 19th, our Grade 6 students will participate in a Transition Visit Morning at Marist Regional College. Children will walk from Stella Maris to the campus at 10am and return at 1.00pm.
Sports uniform is to be worn.
Students must bring their morning tea.
Lunch packs, including water, will be provided to students by Marist Regional College.
Students will participate in a school tour and some fun activities on the day.
Stella Maris Cross Country
We will hold our annual Stella Maris Cross Country this term on Friday, May 26th.
Following our carnival, selected students will be asked to compete in the NW Schools Cross Country and then at Symmons Plains.
Uniform: Sports with spare shoes and socks to change into. House coloured shirt encouraged but not essential.
9.30 - GRADE 4 1.5km
10.00 – GRADE 3 1.5km
10.30 - PREP 0.8km
11.30 – GRADE 2 1km
12.00 - GRADE 1 1km
12.30 – GRADE 5 2km
1.00 - GRADE 6 2km
Families are encouraged to come along and support their children. A coffee van will be avaialable. Spectators are asked to watch from the fence line along the side of the soccer field. From this vantage point spectators can see all of the course.
Grade 2 HIVE Excursion
Grade Two had an excursion to The Hive last week. They went to the Planetarium and watch a show about the sun and then explored the science centre. A thoroughly enjoyable day.
Grade 1 Liturgy
On Wednesday morning, both Grade 1 classes combined for a liturgy about Mary our Mother. The children gave wonderful answers and shared in prayer and reflection about how their mothers are like Mary and how special they are. Children sang some beautiful songs and created a heart of them and their mother to display in our classroom.
Mrs Bickerstaff and Ms Beveridge
Kinder Firefighter Visit
As part of our community project, Kinder had a special visit from Burnie firefighters. They taught us about fire safety and what to do in an emergency. We practised crawling and calling out 'Fire! Fire! Fire! Kinder watched with excitement as the firefighters showed all of the protective gear they wear. The best part was looking at all of the tools and equipment on the truck. Kinder thought this 'was the best day ever!'
Grade 6 Camp to Riverbend
Camp Riverbend is a great place to go and spend some time with your classmates. It has great food and lots of fun activities. The cabins were nice, but some of the beds were quite squeaky. If you’re looking for a challenge, you’ll find it at Camp Riverbend. Some of our favourite things were the flying fox, the bungee run and the gaga ball pit. The food was DELICIOUS.
Grade 6 - Room 15
Student Acheivements
Congratulations to Chathri and Mia from Grade Five. They both submitted a narrative in a National Writing competition and have been successful in the junior author category. They will have their stories published in a book and will receive a copy of the book.
National Walk Safely To School Day
Now in its 24th year, the annual event encourages parents and teachers to teach road safety skills and support the importance of regular walking, not just on 19 May, but every day
This year Stella Maris will be part of the National Walk to School Day.
Two walks to school are being offered, parents are welcomed and encouraged to join their children in the walk to School.
The walks to school will be supervised by School staff.
Walk 1 - Meeting point is the Burnie Netball Carpark, Howe Street. Meet @ 8:10am – departing for school at 8:20 am.
Walk 2 – Meeting point is the former Tas University site (Mooreville Rd) Carpark at 8.05am - departing for school at 8.15 am.
As this is excursion that begins before school hours consent is not required.
Outside News