Welcome to Term 2 Week 2 2023
Principals Report
Fifth Sunday of Easter, Cycle A Sunday, May 7, 2023
Gospel Reading John 14:1–12
Jesus tells his disciples, “I am the way and the truth and the life.”
Family Connection
Members of the same family often bear close resemblances to one another. Sometimes physical resemblances are shared within a family, but often the similarities are behavioural characteristics and mannerisms. We hear this observation affirmed through a number of common phrases: “He’s a chip off the old block” or “She’s her mother’s daughter.” Sunday’s Gospel points to a mystery of faith that might be examined in light of these familial relationships. In Jesus, we see and know the Father. Likewise, the Father is known through the life and work of the Son, Jesus.
Talk together as a family about whether people outside of your family recognise common traits of your family. Are there physical resemblances that people recognise and so know each individual as a member of your family? Are there mannerisms that are shared by members of your family? What are some common interests and work that people might associate with your family? As you read Sunday’s Gospel, John 14:1-12, keep in mind that members of the same family share many characteristics, even though each person in the family is an individual. What does Jesus tell his disciples about his relationship with the Father? The relationship between the Father and Jesus is so close that Jesus says that those who have seen and known Jesus have also seen and known the Father. Jesus promises his disciples that because of their faith in him and in the Father, they, too, will be able to do the work of the Father as Jesus did. End your discussion by praying together that others will recognise in your family the work of the Father. Pray together the Lord’s Prayer.
Ref: Excerpts from the Sunday Connection copyright © Loyola Press. Used with permission. Visit www.LoyolaPress.com for more information.
Parental Engagement Group
Mothers Day Stall
Uniform Shop
Opening Hours
Each Tuesday 8.30am - 12.30pm.
Orders placed via Qkr after 10.00am on a Tuesday and prior to 10.00am cutoff the following Tuesday will be processed when the shop is open and sent home with children on the day.
Alternatively, orders can be collected after 11.00am on Tuesday during opening times if preferred.
Grade 6 Marist Transition Day
On Friday May 19th, our Grade 6 students will participate in a Transition Visit Morning at Marist Regional College. Children will walk from Stella Maris to the campus at 10am and return at 1.00pm.
Full winter uniform is to be worn.
Students must bring their morning tea.
Lunch packs, including water, will be provided to students by Marist Regional College.
Students will participate in a school tour and some fun activities on the day.
ANZAC Day 2023
Thank you to Mr McCulloch, Greyson Boxhall and Elkie Cunliffe, who represented our school laying a wreath on the school's behalf for Anzac Day.
School News
Yesterday we held our practice Lockdown Drill. Thank you to all staff and students who participated. Staff and students all responded swiftly, and the drill was successful.
If you have queries, you are welcome to call Katie Ryan (Work Health Safety Officer) on 0497 681 042
We will hold our annual Stella Maris Cross Country this term on Friday, May 26th.
Following our carnival, selected students will be asked to compete in the NW Schools Cross Country and then at Symmons Plains.
The Sacramental program will commence in Term 2. The session will be held on Sunday afternoons 1:30 – 2:30, at Stella Maris Primary School.
Instruction will be given in the sacraments of Reconciliation, Confirmation and Eucharist.
It is expected that the candidates will be accompanied by a parent and that they attend all the sessions.
The program is open to any student from Grade 4 and older.
Registration forms will be available from the school office.
Please bring the registration form, a $30 fee and an A5 coloured photo of the candidate.
The first session will be on Sunday, May 7th, 1:30 – 2:30 pm, at Stella Maris Primary School.
For any further enquires please contact Claire Willis on 0439 634 844
Stella Stars
Sessions: 9.15am - 10.45am & 12.00pm - 1.30pm
Bookings through Facebook: Stella Stars Early Years Learning
National Walk Safely To School Day
Now in its 24th year, the annual event encourages parents and teachers to teach road safety skills and support the importance of regular walking, not just on 19 May, but every day
This year Stella Maris will be part of the National Walk to School Day.
Two walks to school are being offered, parents are welcomed and encouraged to join their children in the walk to School.
The walks to school will be supervised by School staff.
Walk 1 - Meeting point is the Burnie Netball Carpark, Howe Street. Meet @ 8:10am – departing for school at 8:20 am.
Walk 2 – Meeting point is the former Tas University site (Mooreville Rd) Carpark at 8.00am - departing for school at 8.10 am.
As this is excursion that begins before school hours consent is not required.
Outside News