Welcome to Term 1 Week 10 2023
Principals Report
SUNDAY CONNECTION - Easter Vigil, Cycle A Saturday, April 8, 2023
Gospel Reading Matthew 28:1–10 Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene and the other Mary, who carry the message that Jesus has risen and will meet his disciples in Galilee.
Family Connection
The commercialism of Easter—costumed bunnies in the mall, Easter baskets full of candy and small toys, new clothes—often misdirects children’s understanding and celebration of this greatest of Church feasts. When spoken of as the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, Saturday’s liturgical celebration may not stir excitement among them. Encourage your children to think about the real significance of this feast by using their creative skills to imagine this Easter Vigil’s Resurrection account in Matthew 28:1–10.
Read Matthew 28:1–10 as a family, letting the children take the roles of the angel and Jesus. Set up the narrative by speculating on how sad the women must have felt as they approached the tomb. Talk about the excitement of the two women who saw the empty tomb and heard the angel explain that Jesus was raised from the dead. Wonder together about how it must have felt to embrace the risen Lord as the women did. Imagine with your children the enthusiasm the women must have felt when sent to tell the disciples that Jesus was raised from the dead.
Remind them that on Saturday, we remember and celebrate all that Jesus did to win entry to Heaven for us. Create together a colourful ALLELUIA banner to display in your home to celebrate Jesus Christ’s glorious Resurrection. Then stand, praying together on Saturday and throughout the Easter season: Alleluia, Alleluia, Jesus is risen, Alleluia!
Ref: Excerpts from the Sunday Connection copyright © Loyola Press. Used with permission. Visit www.LoyolaPress.com for more information.
Farewell to Mrs Judy Mason
This week Mrs Judy Mason has volunteered her time to lead students in our traditional Holy Week activities. Our primary students participated in the Stations of the Cross at Star of the Sea Catholic Church in Burnie, whilst our early year's classes enjoyed a final Godly Play lesson with Mrs Mason.
Judy has announced her retirement and we are incredibly thankful for the contributions she has made to Stella Maris over a long period of time. In particular, Judy has left a strong legacy in her role as the Religious Education Coordinator. Judy passed her knowledge and passion onto both students and staff. The creation of the Prayer Room space is a testament to this.
We wish Judy all the best in this next chapter of her life.
Good times were had
You have surely left your mark on Stella
Remember to keep us all in your heart
And When you doth part
may you shine on forever
Drumbeat Performance
This week Drumbeat students performed their showcase in front of parents and Kindergarten students. This was the culminating event of the program’s learning across Term One. Drumbeat is a personal development program run by Anglicare Community Services. We want to thank Stephanie and Jade for their coordination of the program.
SRC News
Last Thursday, 30th March, we had a 'Free Dress' day at Stella to raise money for those people affected by the Earthquake in Turkey/Syria. We want to announce that we raised a grand total of $650 dollars! Thank you so much to everyone for their generous donations. The money raised will go to Caritas which will ensure that it helps all those affected.
Parental Engagement Group
Mothers Day Stall
A Mother's Day Stall is being held on Thursday 11th, May from 8.45am - 2.00pm. To make this achievable volunteers are needed.
Many hands make light work.
Please let our office staff know if you can help out on the day.
Hello everyone!
A little update from our STEM activities in the Discovery Centre. In every STEM session students are introduced to activities in digital and design Technology. We have added some exciting collaborative and innovative projects to develop our students’ creativity and computational skills.
Digital Technology.
From Prep to Grade 6, our students investigate BeeBots, Lego Spike Essentials and Sphero. This moves from beginning to advanced coding skills. Some of the learning material provides functions such as motion and direction, while others offer the opportunity to program in blocks. Our students are using code to navigate through a map of the solar system, a maze or a terrain.
Design Technology
Contributing to building a better world by taking responsible actions to improve our lives, the lives of others, and the environment is our starting point.
Power of Prosthetics
In Grade 5, we have been investigating Bionics. Students assembled a Robotic Arm and researched how these arms can support people using prosthetics.
Keeping it Kinetic!
We have been wondering about what the future might look like and what kind of problems need to be solved. In Grade 6, we investigated the conservation of Energy. Objects which are moving have kinetic energy. Students developed a car applying aerodynamics to minimise the amount of friction on a racetrack.
Fossicking for fossils
We discussed which alternatives there are for fossil fuels in Grade 4. While fossicking for fossils, we made some petrifying discoveries!
Under the Canopy
Grade 3 students have investigated how to measure a tree by just using two sticks! Their STEM challenge was to design a treehouse representing living and non-living things.
Balloon Powered Cars.
Do you think you could build a car powered by nothing but air? In grade 2, students built and designed a car that travelled as far as possible. The record stands at 350 centimetres!
It has been an exciting journey and our students are all encouraged to become designers of the future!
Have a wonderful Easter, and greetings from the Discovery Centre.
Wiebren Veenstra
Grade 3 Wings Wildlife Park Excursion
On Friday the 31st of March, our Grade 3 students had a wonderful day out at Wings Wildlife Park, learning about the animals and enjoying lots of pats and interactions.
Uniform Shop
Opening Hours
Monday 17th April: 12.00pm - 4pm
Orders placed via QKR from Tuesday, 4th April through to Monday 17th April 10.00am will be available for collection from 2pm on Monday, 17th April.
Tuesday 25th April - Closed
Wednesday 26th April - Open from 8.30am - 12.30pm
School News
Important Dates
Monday 24th April - Student Free Day (No school)
Tuesday 25th April - Anzac Day Public Holiday (No school)
Wednesday 26th April - First day of term 2 for students (Winter Uniform)
In term 2 we will hold an unannounced emergency practice with staff & students, to test our response to a potential scenario that staff identify a threat warranting the school go into lockdown (opposite to evacuation). Like for fire evacuation drills, we recognised the worth to test the process. We have plans in place to make this practice as least disruptive as able.
If you have queries, you are welcome to call Katie Ryan (Work Health Safety Officer) on 0497 681 042
The Sacramental program will commence in Term 2. The session will be held on Sunday afternoons, from 1:30 – 2:30, at Stella Maris Primary School.
Instruction will be given in the sacraments of Reconciliation, Confirmation and Eucharist.
It is expected that the candidates will be accompanied by a parent and that they attend all the sessions.
The program is open to any student from Grade 4 and older.
Registration forms will be available from the school office.
Please bring the registration form, a $30 fee and an A5 coloured photo of the candidate.
The first session will be on Sunday, May 7th, 1:30 – 2:30 pm, at Stella Maris Primary School.
For any further enquires please contact Claire Willis on 0439 634 844
Stella Stars
Sessions: 9.15am - 10.45am & 12.00pm - 1.30pm
Bookings through Facebook: Stella Stars Early Years Learning
Outside News