Welcome to Term 1 Week 6 2023
Principals Report
Gospel Reading John 4:5-42
Jesus reveals himself to the Samaritan woman at the well. (shorter form: John 4:5-15,19b-26,39a,40-42)
Family Connection
Lent is a season for repentance. It is a season during which we are called to reflect upon and to live deeply the promises of Baptism. The well and the conversation about water immediately recall for us the Sacrament of Baptism. As the Samaritan woman was converted and sent on a mission because of the conversation about water, we too are converted and sent by our Baptism to preach the good news of Jesus to others.
Take this opportunity to reflect upon the importance of Baptism with your family. If you have photos or other mementos of your family’s Baptisms, bring them out and take some time to recall the day of Baptism and its importance to you and your family. Create a prayer table that includes these mementos and a bowl of holy water. After you have spent some time talking about Baptism, invite everyone to listen carefully and prayerfully to Sunday’s Gospel. Read John 4:5-42 together. Ask how Jesus’ meeting with the woman at the well is like Baptism. (Jesus knows the woman’s sin and forgives her. The woman comes to know Jesus as the Messiah. The woman invites others to meet Jesus.) Pray a prayer of blessing for each member of the family that God will help each one live the promises of his or her Baptism. Pray together the Lord’s Prayer.
Ref: Excerpts from the Sunday Connection copyright © Loyola Press. Used with permission. Visit www.LoyolaPress.com for more information.
Uniform Shop
Opening Hours: Tuesdays 8.30am - 12.30pm
Orders placed on QKR by Tuesday morning by 10am will be sent home with children on Tuesdays.
Please update the QKR App to your child's 2023 classroom details.
Hat Orders
Brown hats are unavailable until further notice. Gold hats are available, and parents who have left their names for hat orders will be contacted.
Canteen Closed
Wednesday 15th March
Athletics Carnival Day
Athletics Carnival
Tuesday 14th March 2 pm - 3 pm
Prep - Grade 6 - See Order of Events Below
Wednesday 15th March
It would be lovely, where practicable, to see parents and guardians come along and support students at the Marist Oval. Children are to wear sports uniforms and are encouraged to wear their house colour T-shirts. This year the event will include a number of novelty events. Students will be allowed to wear appropriate fun clothing items over their PE uniform only, between 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm as a way of celebrating and showing pride in their house.
Stella Stars
Sessions: 9.15am - 10.45am & 12.00pm - 1.30pm
Bookings through Facebook: Stella Stars Early Years Learning
School News
Literacy news…
Last year at Stella, we had a busy year rolling out a new systematic literacy program in the Prep to Grade 2 classes called Initialit. This year we are excited to build on this by commencing a new daily Spelling program in Grades 3 -6 called Spelling Mastery.
Spelling Mastery
Spelling Mastery builds dependable spelling skills for students in grades 3-6 through a highly structured direct instruction method that blends the following approaches:
Phonemic approach
- It helps beginning spellers learn the relationships between spoken sounds and written letters and then apply them to spelling
Morphemic approach
- Exposes advanced spellers to prefixes, bases, and suffixes
- Combine words and word parts to spell multisyllabic words using a small number of reliable rules
Whole-word approach
- It gives spellers at all levels the meaning and root of a word and shows how the word's spelling is influenced
- Spell common, high-frequency words which are irregular in their letter sounds
- Commit these potentially troublesome words to memory
Spelling Mastery interweaves these three approaches according to students' skill development and provides straightforward lessons to help efficiently and effectively teach the spelling skills students need to become proficient readers and writers.
Explicit instruction, careful selection of spelling words, and repeated and cumulative practice help students master each concept and reinforce and retain key information.
How you can help your child:
Your child will be explicitly taught spelling strategies during lessons at school, so there is no necessity for them to learn spelling words as part of their homework.
The Grade 3 and Grade 6 students received their Making Jesus Real workbooks at our Ash Wednesday Liturgy. We want to thank Mitch for coming to our school on Monday to celebrate the message that - Jesus is in our Hearts - Forever!
“ Staff here have Gone Nuts “
Mrs Boon, Mrs Murton, Mrs Leaver, Mrs Gbenga, Mrs Mason, Mr Hart and Mrs Williams all took part in the Gone Nuts 25km Run/Walk on Saturday March 4th . A therapeutic, spiritual, physical day was enjoyed by all. Well done to Flynn Wells Gr4 who completed the race soon after Mr Hart in under 5hrs.
Upcoming Events
North West Swimming Carnival - Tuesday 14th March (selected students)
Kinder Athletics Carnival - Tuesday 14th March
Stella Athletics Carnival - Wednesday 15th March
Grade 3 Wings Wildlife Excursion - Friday 31st March
Grade 6 Riverbend Excursion - Tuesday 9th - Thursday 11th May
Outside News