Welcome to Term 1 Week 2 2023
Principals Report
Sunday Connection - Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle A
Sunday, February 12, 2023
Gospel Reading Matthew 5:17–37
I have not come to abolish the law and the prophets but to fulfil them.
Family Connection
Families have rules. Without rules, family life would be chaos. As a family, brainstorm a list of rules that you are all called to follow in your home in order for you all to get along together. Think about rules for playtime, rules for eating, rules for how to speak to one another, rules for going out with friends, and so on. Emphasise that families follow rules as a way of showing love and respect for one another. Explain that in this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus talks about following the Law. Say: God’s Law of love can be thought of as rules that we are to follow in order to show our love and respect for one another. Read aloud this Sunday’s Gospel, Matthew 5:17–37. Talk specifically with one another about how anger is to be dealt with in your family. Conclude by praying for the grace to overcome anger and to show respect for one another as a family by following God’s Law of love.
Ref: Excerpts from the Sunday Connection copyright © Loyola Press. Used with permission. Visit www.LoyolaPress.com for more information.
Welcome back to all our Stella Maris families for the 2023 school year. We hope you all had a terrific break. The students have made a very settled start to the year. After many interruptions in previous years we are looking forward to consistent learning programmes being implemented across all of the school. In 2023, we plan for increased opportunities for parents to connect with the school. As parents and carers, you play a key role in nurturing the learning and development of your child.
We are thrilled to welcome a number of new staff to Stella Maris. Mrs Catherine Robertson joins us again following her maternity leave. Mrs Roberston will take on the roles of Digital Literacy Key Teacher and Performing Arts (Drama) specialist teacher. Performing Arts is a new specialist for the school and will enhance the learning opportunities under the school’s Arts curriculum.
We also welcome Occupational Therapist, Mrs Sarah Edwards. Mrs Edwards will be sharing her expertise to support both students and staff with learning interventions.
We formally welcome Chloe Allen, Shayne Sayer, Tamara Faulkner, Angie Considine and Bec Coles as teacher assistants who will be fulfilling roles across the school. Additionally we welcome the return of Mrs Cheryl Gration who will also be working as a classroom teacher assistant.
We are incredibly thankful for the wonderful staff that we have here at Stella Maris.
School Communication Platforms
Stella Maris School-Wide Positive Behavious Support
Our School-Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) Matrix is a document that guides the expectation for positive behaviours across the school. These behaviours align to our core values of being safe, respectful and responsible. The document also includes Making Jesus Real (MJR) slogans that promote gospel messages such as kindness, good manners and respect for others.
Supporting positive behaviour is a shared responsibility between home and school. Our hope is that these character qualities and actions carry through to all environments that our students find themselves in.
Uniform Shop
Opening Hours : Tuesday's 8.30am - 12.30pm
Orders that are placed on QKR by Monday night will be sent home with children on Tuesdays
Please remember to update the QKR App to your child's 2023 classroom details
Hat Orders
Brown hats are unavailable until further notice. Gold hats are available and parents who have left their names for hat orders will be contacted.
Stella Stars
Commencing Wednesday 15th February 2023
Sessions: 9.15am - 10.45am & 12.00pm - 1.30pm
Bookings through Facebook: Stella Stars Early Years Learning
Students will be sitting NAPLAN between 15 and 27 March 2023.
The National Assessment Program-Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) assesses literacy and numeracy skills that students are already learning at school. On its own, NAPLAN is not a test that can be studied for, and students are not expected to do so.
NAPLAN is just one aspect of a school’s assessment and reporting process – it does not replace ongoing assessments made by teachers about student performance; however, students and parents may use individual results to discuss progress with teachers.
This is the first year NAPLAN will be held in March, having previously taken place in May. This change was made so school systems would have access to results earlier in the school year, so they can be used to inform teaching and learning plans for the remainder of the year.
Why NAPLAN is conducted online
NAPLAN online provides a better assessment and more precise results.
One of the main benefits of NAPLAN online is that it uses tailored (or adaptive) testing. This means that students receive questions better suited to their abilities, so they can show what they know and can do.
Online testing also allows us to provide a wide range of accessibility options to support students with disability to access NAPLAN.
Feedback from students is that they find the online test more engaging.
Please note that students in Year 3 complete the Writing Test on paper.
Parent information brochures and other resources
Data Collection
School News
Hi families,
We are looking for someone take take on the care of our school garden beds. They are located behind our main school building and are in need of some love and attention.This would involve taking a small group of students during school hours and getting them involved in planning, planting, weeding, harvesting and general maintenance. Hopefully on a weekly basis.
A working with vulnerable people card is essential to undertake this role.
Day and times can be arranged with volunteers.
Resources For Parents
Outside News