Welcome to Term 3 Week 7 2022
Deputy Principal Report
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
We hope that all the dads out there enjoyed Father’s Day on Sunday. It was beautiful weather and certainly feels as though spring is in the air.
To the dads, step-dads, those stepping up as a dad figure - Thank you!
At this time we also think of the men who can’t be dads or who are desperately trying. We also think about the dads who are no longer with us. Thoughts and prayers for those who miss them.
Thank you to those parents and community members who set up and arranged the Father’s Day stall on Thursday. Thank you also to staff who supported children in preparing gifts and cards for their dads or father figures.
It is so important to take these opportunities to thank those significant people in our lives. Whether it is through a gift, quality time, an act of service or words of affirmation, showing gratitude strengthens the love that binds us together.
We should not need an excuse to do these things but it is always a good reminder.
‘If the only prayer you said was thank you, that would be enough’ - Meister Eckhart
Kind regards,
Ben McCulloch
Deputy Principal
Just Like Jesus Awards
Congratulations to the students that received the "Just Like Jesus" award in our recent assembly. It means that they have been 'caught' treating others in an extra respectful manner.
Congratulations to all our class award recipients!
SRC News
Last week on MJR Radio, Freya and Tommy spoke about the importance of being respectful by using polite language. Freya spoke about how she had a positive experience hearing other students in her class speaking to her teacher in a calm and respectful manner. This allowed the teacher to support the class without interruptions. Tommy found himself witnessing an accident when two kids ran into each other. Both kids were upset but even though it made them sad and a little bit angry, they chose to speak nicely to one another. This made Tommy proud that they could make the correct choice.
In simple words, make the choice to be respectful and use polite language.
This week Cooper and Tommy shared how to be responsible when dealing with conflict in the playground. Tommy reflected on an experience when he witnessed students in the playground not cooperating during team sports. This made him feel sad to see because he knew that they could do better. Cooper also saw some students having a disagreement playing football. Fortunately, one of the boys chose to be responsible and give the ball to the other boy because he knew it was the right thing to do. This made Cooper feel good to see other members of the school choosing to be responsible by dealing with conflict in an appropriate manner.
In simple words, be responsible by resolving conflict appropriately.
Tasmanian Stem Conference
Tasmanian STEM Conference It Takes a Spark, St Brendan-Shaw College Devonport - Friday 2nd September 2022
Last Friday our school participated in the 2022 STEM conference ‘It Takes a Spark’ in Devonport. Where we celebrated the work of students in Years 4 to 10, statewide. The day was designed to acknowledge and promote STEM learning initiatives that address real-world problems and demonstrate how students in Catholic schools can take more meaningful action.
At the conference we attended several workshops. We got invited by the Centre of Excellence for Gravitational Wave Discovery and blasted off to the Virtual Universe! Our students were even on the news bulletin on 7NEWS!
Let’s give it a shake!
In the afternoon our Stella Maris STEM stars from grades 5 and 6, with the help of their STEM teachers, led an 80-minute problem solving session for other teachers and students across the state. Our students did a wonderful job in assisting others in an Earthquake Engineering challenge. We tested the Earthquake resistant structure on an Earthquake shaking table by collecting data from a seismometer.
Later in the day we visited the STEM expo market and attended workshops on Magnetic Marvels, Seahorses, Submarines and augmented reality. Keynote speakers from the North West presented their experiences from the workfield and inspired our bright students about Environmental Science and Animal Science.
The conferences were designed by teachers and students and our students represented the awesome work that our students do in STEM here at Stella. Krystal Webb, Davy Harnett, Piper Sharman, Hugo McNeill, Archie Munday, Layla Duniam, Henry Vincent and Peyton Gillett were the students that accompanied Mr. Wiebren Veenstra and Mrs. Angela Malis on the day.
This was a great experience and we hope to share these activities soon in your next STEM session!
Angela Malis
Wiebren Veenstra
Indigenous Literacy Day
Today is Indigenous Literacy Day. ILD takes place annually on the first Wednesday of September.
Literacy provides a fundamental step of building context, comprehension and understanding, whether it is written, visual or auditory. For children who miss that foundational step in their literacy journey, it has a lifelong impact.
2022 is the first year of UNESCO’s Decade of Indigenous Languages. Indigenous Literacy Day celebrates and promotes the revitalisation and preservation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages now and for future generations of Indigenous children.
Our Indigenous students had time together today and helped acknowledge ILD by watching a lively group of children in remote Milikapiti and Jilkminggan, in the Northern Territory joyfully share their Stories, Cultures and Languages. We then had a yarn while having recess together.
Schools Triathlon Challenge
Thursday 24th of November - The Bluff Devonport
Registration forms will be available from the school office from Monday 12th September or by downloading from:
Resources For Parents
Outside News