Welcome to Term 3 Week 5 2022
Principal Report
Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle C
Sunday, August 28, 2022
Gospel Reading Luke 14:1,7-14 When you hold a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind.
Family Connection
Parents and children often enter into “negotiations” over how much allowance is to be earned at certain ages. Typically, when a child seeks an increase in allowance, parents will attach an increase in chores and responsibilities for them to better earn the increase. Talk about what kind of allowance you received as a child and what kind of responsibilities your parents expected of you to earn your allowance.
Explain that in this Sunday's Gospel, Jesus talks about doing good deeds for others and expecting nothing in return. Read aloud Luke 14:1,7-14. Ask your children how they would feel if you told them to take on more chores without ever expecting another raise in allowance. Emphasise that Jesus teaches us that it is our duty as his followers to take care of the needs of others and to do so without expecting repayment. Discuss what other types of rewards we can find when doing good things for others.
Point out that we sometimes fall into the trap of wanting too many things and that, in the Our Father, we pray for “our daily bread,” meaning that we pray for only that which we really need in life. Conclude this time together by praying aloud the Our Father.
Ref: Excerpts from the Sunday Connection copyright © Loyola Press. Used with permission. Visit www.LoyolaPress.com for more information.
We are excited to be able to invite parents & carers into school to watch children receive certificates at our assemblies. We are endeavouring to call parents and carers of our award recipients before each assembly. Thank you for continuing to adhere to social distancing and hygiene regulations, and we look forward to seeing you soon.
This year our staff are trialling an online assessment tool that will support their teaching and reporting in the area of mathematics. Essential Assessment is a tool that assesses student ability and compiles the results to inform both the teacher's classroom program and intervention for students who need more support or extension in their learning. This technology also has the capacity to provide student progress reports for parents through a QR code. Throughout the remainder of the year several classes will begin to experiment with this function. Your feedback and support is appreciated as we plan for this tool’s implementation in 2023.
Just Like Jesus Awards
Congratulations to the students that received the "Just Like Jesus" award in our recent assembly. It means that they have been 'caught' treating others in an extra respectful manner.
Congratulations to all our class award recipients!
SRC News
Another big fortnight on MJR radio, where our SRC unpacked the big issues to help support Stella Maris students Safe, Responsible and Respectful. Last week, Chia and Makenzie reminded us about the importance of being safe by keeping our hands, feet and objects to ourselves in the classroom. Chia spoke about witnessing someone throwing dodgeballs at someone inside, which wasn’t safe. They were reminded by their mates that it is not okay to throw things inside without the approval of a teacher and then stop. Makenzie was shocked to see someone being unsafe by hitting someone with a ruler. They quickly realised their error and could identify that it wasn’t safe or kind. This person stopped and respectfully apologised. In simple words keep your hands and your feet to yourself.
This week, Hugo and Lucas reflected on the importance of being respectful by standing back and letting adults through doors first. Hugo was impressed when a prep student allowed him and the parents, he was showing around the school through the door first. They exchanged smiles, which showed appreciation for this kind act. This polite behaviour made him proud of the other students in our school. Lucas was pleasantly surprised when he saw other students politely greeting and speaking to adults that were visiting the school. This also made him feel proud of these younger students. In simple words, holding doors open for adults and speaking nicely to visitors is the right thing to do.
As part of the MJR (Make Jesus Real) work, the year 5 and 6 students (and staff) enthusiastically engaged in looking at how kindness has many 'flow-on effects' and the students were challenged to plan their own act of kindness at home/school/play. You may have seen some of the children having 'OK' with a smile on their hands - this is to remind them when they are asked to do a chore/ go to bed etc they do it cheerfully . They then need to make this a habit.
In MJR we call these acts 'Spirit of Jesus' moments and we have a choice to try and create these positive habits to help those around us. We also discussed that they are still discovering their talents and for many of them, they will continue to discover their potentials and new skills if they actively listen, reflect and focus. Hopefully the day will translate into positive behaviours at home and school. They were a super audience and participated with great gusto during the session.
Marty Ogle (MJR Co-ordinator)
Student Book Packs
After such a positive response to our student book packs for 2022 being sent home with students in the last week of 2021, our intention is to provide students with book packs for 2023 in the same manner.
If you do not wish for your child to receive a book pack and intend to source the materials yourself please let our office staff know, no later than Wednesday 31st of August. We can provide families with a list of items, it will be important that you purchase exactly every item as specified on the list.
SunSmart Safety
At Stella Maris we are a SunSmart school accredited by the Cancer Council. As per our SunSmart policy students must wear their hats and sun protection (e.g. sunscreen) from September 1st, which is next Thursday until the end of the school year.
Please ensure that your child/ren have their school hats ready to be worn from next Thursday (September 1st).
The school also provides sunscreen in all classrooms. If your child has sensitivities to particular brands, please ensure that your child has their own supply of sunscreen.
Thank you for your support.
Fathers Day Stall
Volunteers Needed
The Fathers Day stall will be held on Thursday the 1st of September. If you have some time to volunteer at the stall, even just for a couple of hours that would be greatly appreciated. Please let the office or Nikki Pilkington know.
Canteen Volunteers
We are seeking helpers in our canteen, if you have some time to spare please let our office staff know.
Book Week 2022
To walk amongst the colourful collection of costumes and smiles is a great reminder of why we celebrate Book Week each year. And what great costumes! Costumes that amuse, dazzle and astound.
Book Week is an opportunity to be silly and to show our vulnerabilities. As author Criss Jami said, "to share your weaknesses is to make yourself vulnerable; to make yourself vulnerable is to show your strength".
We can be proud of how many of our students showed their strength this year by dressing up. Thank you for helping make this happen.
A big thank you must also go to our brilliant guest readers, the people who came in to read to our classes during the week. These are another group of people who dared to show their strength by being vulnerable.
One of our guest readers was our ex principal Mrs Kramer, who visited on Wednesday to read to all of the classes. Book Week is a great opportunity for Mrs Kramer to see all of her beloved ex students and it is a special occasion for us to see her again, too.
On Thursday we will welcome Tasmanian author Lian Tanner to speak to some of the upper classes about how to write great narratives; how we use emotion in text; and the three elements that make an exciting story.
Happy Book Week everybody. Enjoy the parade pictures.
Tanya Boon
Library Technician
Student Achievement
Noah Fitzmaurice earned his Black Belt in Kung Fu on Saturday, well done Noah a wonderful achievement.
Resources For Parents
Outside News