Welcome to Term 2 Week 9 2022
Principals Report
Saint Peter and Saint Paul, Apostles
Wednesday, June 29, 2022
Gospel Reading Matthew 16:13-19
You are Peter; and I will give you the keys to the Kingdom of heaven.
Family Connection
In Sunday's Gospel, Jesus refers to Peter as “Rock” and says that the Church will be built upon him. We refer to someone as a “rock” when they are very reliable. Talk as a family about who has been and is a rock in your extended family.
The Gospel reminds us that the Church is built on the foundation of faith in Jesus Christ. It is faith that makes Peter the Rock upon which the Church is built. The family, as the domestic church, has this same faith as its foundation.
Talk about people whose faith has helped you to be a member of the Church and talk about what you have learned from leaders in our Church today. Read together Sunday's Gospel, Matthew 16:13-20. Talk about what you know about Peter and his importance to the early Christian community. Talk about what we can learn from Peter and his profession of faith about Jesus. Conclude in prayer together by praying today's Psalm or an Act of Faith.
Act of Faith
O my God, I firmly believe that you are one God in three divine Persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I believe that your divine Son became man and died for our sins and that he will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe these and all the truths which the holy Catholic Church teaches because you have revealed them, who can neither deceive nor be deceived.
Reference: Excerpts from the Sunday Connection copyright © Loyola Press. Used with permission. Visit www.LoyolaPress.com for more information.
RE News
Refugee Day 2022
The 20th of June each year is a day set aside to remember the plight of millions of migrant, refugees and asylum seekers. We remember and pray for those forced to leave family, home and all they hold dear; May they find safe passage and helping hands here. (Ukraine comes to mind as the most recent victims of war). We pray for an end to the wars and oppression that forced them to leave; We pray that those who welcome them are blessed in abundance. With deep humility and a heart hungry for justice, we pray that we Australians, citizens and leaders, open our eyes, our minds and our hearts that we may see, understand and welcome our brothers and sisters from other lands who come in the hope of having a better and safer life- to which we are all entitled.
Bishop Vincent Long (Bishop Delegate for Migrants and Refugees), reminds us that we are challenged by Pope Francis to consider how we can welcome, protect, promote and integrate migrants and refugees in our own Australian context. He goes on to say that identifying and challenging racism or discrimination can be the beginning of protecting migrants and refugees in our communities. Pope Francis makes it clear that “every act of charity shown to migrants and refugees is an opportunity to encounter Christ.” Jesus himself was a refugee. As a young baby, the jealous King Herod sought to kill him. Jesus’ foster father, Joseph, took baby Jesus and Mary to Egypt, away from the danger.
We live privileged lives here in Australia. May we share these privileges with the refugees and migrants. May we never turn our back on these people in great need. May we never display discrimination and racism towards them through our words or actions. May we only show our love, compassion, kindness, patience and understanding, just as Jesus showed us and teaches us.
SRC News
Last week on MJR Radio, Freya and Chia reminded us about the importance of being respectful and to continue being a WEST (Welcoming, Encouraging, Say Sorry and Thankful) person, and not get involved in others' private matters.
Chia reflected on witnessing students going straight out during games, which showed good sportsmanship and respect for the rules of the game. Freya spoke about her experiences at PCYC, when she heard other people encouraging others to complete difficult challenges, respecting that we are all at different levels of ability.
In simple words, we can be respectful by listening to others' ideas and rules that are designed to help us.
St Vincent de Paul Appeal
St Vincent de Paul is asking for us to show support for their winter appeal. 1700 people in Tasmania are currently experiencing homelessness and need our help.
By supplying toiletry and self-care items to people that are less fortunate than ourselves, they can feel hygienic, more confident and have a sense of dignity.
These things that we sometimes take for granted can make a big difference to someone suffering from homelessness.
St Vincent de Paul has asked for men’s supplies. The SRC will be placing a poster in your rooms with several items that you could donate like, nail clippers, combs, hand lotion, wet wipes, toothbrush and paste, soap, shaver, and shaving cream.
The SRC will be collecting donations from classrooms over the last weeks of the term.
Thank you for your support.
School Uniform
Beanies and Extra Winter Clothing
Additions to the full winter uniforms, such as beanies and jackets, can be worn outside only i.e. a student can wear an additional jacket for warmth over the top of their full winter uniform.
Just Like Jesus Awards
Congratulations to the students that received the "Just Like Jesus" award in our recent assembly. It means that they have been 'caught' treating others in an extra respectful manner.
Congratulations to all our class award recipients!
Parent Teacher Interviews
Thank you for supporting our Parent-Teacher meetings this Wednesday & Thursday. We are looking forward to welcoming you into the school once again. Adults no longer need to wear masks in the school, however, we need to continue to follow social distancing and hygiene protocols.
Parent-Teacher meetings involve sharing information about learning outcomes through collaboration and open communication. We look forward to sharing the growth of students as evidenced in their learning. As first educators, we would like to acknowledge the important role that parents and carers play in supporting the learning process of all our students.
NAIDOC Week is celebrated in the first week of July each year. This year NAIDOC Week is from 3rd – 10th July.
NAIDOC stands for National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee.
NAIDOC Week celebrates the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. It is celebrated by all Australians and is a great opportunity to learn more about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, cultures, histories and join in celebrations.
This year’s theme is “Get up! Stand up! Show up!”
“Get Up” and learn about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and culture and the true history of Australia.
“Stand Up” and celebrate Indigenous people and significant Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders who are leaders in making change.
“Show Up” and support the stories, justice and equality for Aboriginal and Torre Strait Islander People so we can come together as one nation.
Our wonderful Art teacher Mrs. Fergusson has, in conjunction with students, decorated gum leaves creating a lovely piece of art to recognise this year’s theme for NAIDOC Week. This is currently displayed in our office foyer.
Last week students from across all year groups were fortunate enough to have Uncle Hank talk to us about Tasmanian Aboriginal culture and history. There were many questions that the students asked Uncle Hank and he was so obliging. It was a wonderful cultural experience with song, dance and yarning.
Resources For Parents
What content are children watching?
Please read the attached article from Parenting Ideas about the rise in children watching adult content.
Eisteddfod News
School Choir
The upper primary choir competed at the annual Burnie Eisteddfod on Tuesday and gained third place out of 15 schools. These students worked very hard over 18 weeks to present 2 polished items on the day. The judges awarded the group 86/100 points and commented on the following features:
Good clear dictionRhythmic precision Good vocal blend Effective use of dynamics
Congratulations goes to: Lucas Weinert , Maya Young , Miah Probets, Abigale Bassett- Couacaud, Madeline Horgan
Krystal Webb , James Edwards ,Carlottah Cannell ,Chia Gbenga ,Elsie Boon, Peyton Gillet, Amara Gbenga, Sophia Gbenga , Lilli Pisano , Lucy Williams , Abigail Edwards,Chathri Sanathana, Emily Bonneville ,Elliott Loring , Macie Bond , Isabelle Hayworth, Madeline Kelly , Amelia Britton and Phoebe Roboatham
Grade 5/6 Eisteddfod Results
Grade 5/6 Verse Speaking - Whole Group - 1st (81 points)
Prepared Reading From A Novel - Lucy Williams - 1st (78 points), Sofia Gbenga - 2nd (77 points), Mia Probets - Highly Commended (75 points), Zeke Hayes - Encouragment Award (75 points)
Duologue -Georgia Cumming & Sofia Gbenga - 1st (78 points)
Impromptu Conversations - Georgia Cumming & Freya Crook - 1st (76 points), Chia Gbenga & Rubi-Lee Grey - 2nd (75.5 points)
Impromptu Phone Conversation - Freya Crook - 1st (77.5 points), Amara Gbenga - 3rd (76 points)
Impromptu Reading - Josie Kelly - 2nd (75 points)
Athletics Tasmania All Schools Cross Country
Symmons Plains
On Tuesday the 21st of June a team of 39 children represented Stella Maris Primary at The Tas All Schools Cross Country at Symmons Plains. This annual event sees over 1500 competitors take part in the 8 race competition with up to 200 runners in each race.
Stella Maris Primary runners all ran their best races, enjoyed the day and displayed wonderful sportsmanship in supporting and encouraging all our runners. From the attending staff and parents we were thrilled with the positive attitudes displayed by our Stella team, it was a pleasure to spend the day with them.
Our top 10 finishers were:
12 Year Old Boys - Lincoln Kelly - 7th
12 Year Old Girls - Mia Fehlberg - 5th
11 Year Old Boys - Jackai Wescombe - 1st, Rhys Williams 9th
Mia and Jakai have gained selection in the Tasmanian Cross Country team to compete in Adelaide in August.
Full results: www.tasathletics.org
Tasmanian Fire Service Kids Program
Over the last 2 weeks our students have been learning about fire safety with Fireman Craig.
The TFS have a fantastic interactive website for children to explore: www.tfskids.com.au
Outside News