Welcome to Term 2 Week 7 2022
Principals Report
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, Cycle C
Sunday, June 19, 2022
Gospel Reading Luke 9:11b-17: They all ate and were satisfied.
Family Connection
In our age of fast food and eating on the go, families often find that they are not eating meals together at a dinner table. As a family, look back over the past week and recall how many meals were eaten together and how many meals were eaten alone or on the run.
In the Bible, meals are seen as much more than a means to satisfy a physical need. The Hebrew people viewed eating a meal as a way of expressing and strengthening their relationship with one another under God's covenant. It is no coincidence that meals are often the setting of Jesus' teaching and miracles in the Gospels. In this Sunday's Gospel, we hear the story of Jesus feeding the crowd of 5,000 people.
Read this Sunday's Gospel, Luke 9:11b-17. Talk about the kinds of hungers that people have in addition to physical hunger. Describe the hungers that a family nourishes (love, compassion, forgiveness, laughter, and so on). Together give thanks for the food that Jesus gives us that we celebrate on this Sunday's feast of the Body and Blood of Jesus. Make a commitment to share in this Eucharistic meal together as a family.
Ref: Excerpts from the Sunday Connection copyright © Loyola Press. Used with permission. Visit www.LoyolaPress.com for more information.
RE News
There is a tendency to want to hurry from autumn to spring and to avoid the long days that winter brings. Many people, myself included, do not like constant days bereft of light and months filled with colder temperatures. We grin, which might in fact be a grimace, and bear the darkness and the cold of the winter, hanging out for the winter solstice which heralds the turning point of the shortening of daylight hours. (Which by the way is next week!) Animals that hibernate during these months seem to have it right.
In looking for a prayer, a reflection or some words of comfort and wisdom to help deal with the ‘winter blues,’ I was reminded of the beauty, the opportunities and perhaps the purpose of winter, and to some degree the human form of hibernation, in the following reflection by Michael Leunig.
We give thanks for the blessing of winter.
A season to cherish the heart.
To make warmth and quiet for the heart.
To cook for the heart and read for the heart.
To curl up softly and nestle with the heart.
To sleep deeply and gently at one with the heart.
To dream with the heart.
To spend time with the heart.
A long, long time of peace with the heart.
We give thanks for the blessing of winter:
Season to cherish the heart.
SRC News
Last week on MJR Radio Chia and Makenzie reminded us of the importance of keeping hands, feet and objects to ourselves. Chia spoke about using the swings safely and needing to be careful not to swing your legs out when people are walking past. Makenzie reminded us of the importance of not being rough when playing football. She suggested that touch football could help keep the game safe for our school environment. In simple words: Keep your hands and feet to yourself to help everyone feel safe.
This week Hugo and Lachie shared with us our MJR and safety focus of using the toilets appropriately and keeping them clean for others. Hugo spoke about the importance of personal hygiene like washing your hands and using hand sanitiser on entry to the classroom. Lachie said that it was safe when students dispose of their paper towels correctly. Also, it was important that students didn’t waste time in the toilet areas, returning to class straight after. In Simple words, be safe and responsible in public spaces like toilets.
Parent Teacher Interviews
Parent Teacher Interviews will be held on the evenings of Wednesday 29th June (3:15-5:30pm) and Thursday 30th June (3:15-7:00pm). Face to face meetings are encouraged, however Zoom meetings can be arranged if requested through the school office.
Later this week a link will be shared via compass to book a meeting time.
Kinder Fun Run
Thank you to our Kinder families for joining us to support your children last week in very cold windy conditions.
NW Schools Cross Country
Welldone to all of our Stella Maris children who represented their school last week at the NW Schools Cross Country. Stella students gave their best efforts and we had many students place well.
Special mention to the following students who placed 1st:
Meg Rawnsley - Grade 3 Girl
Jakai Wescombe - Grade 5 Boy
Mia Fehlberg - Grade 6 Girl
Lincoln Willcox - Grade 6 Boy
Just Like Jesus Awards
Congratulations to the students that received the "Just Like Jesus" award in our recent assembly. It means that they have been 'caught' treating others in an extra respectful manner.
Congratulations to all our class award recipients!
Stella Stars
See our Facebook page - Stella Stars Early Years Learning to select your times for future sessions.
Please note that we are still following social distancing rules and strict hand hygiene rules. All adults must wear a face mask when indoors.
We look forward to seeing you all!
Outside News