Welcome to Term 2 Week 3 2022
Principals Report
Sixth Sunday of Easter, Cycle C Sunday, May 22, 2022
Gospel Reading - John 14:23-29
Jesus promises his disciples that the Father will send the Advocate, the Holy Spirit.
Family Connection
Parents are always helping their children prepare for something, whether that consists of getting ready for school, preparing for an exam, or making preparations to go on vacation. In Sunday's Gospel, Jesus prepares his disciples for his Passion, Death, and Resurrection. He promises his Holy Spirit, gives them the gift of his peace, and tells them not to be troubled.
As a family, talk about the kinds of events that you have prepared for together; surgeries, funerals, vacations, and first days of school are some examples. Talk about why it is important to prepare for important events in our lives. Then read aloud this Sunday's Gospel: John 14:23-29. Talk about how Jesus prepared his disciples for his Death and Resurrection and how he wanted them to be prepared for what would happen so that they would be able to believe.
Talk about how, as a family, you can prepare for Pentecost (only 2 weeks away), when we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit, our Advocate.
Reference: Excerpts from the Sunday Connection copyright © Loyola Press. Used with permission. Visit www.LoyolaPress.com for more information.
RE News
MAY- The month of MARY
American Catholic artist, Jen Norton, created this beautiful and very symbolic image of Mary surrounded with the words of the Hail Mary.
SRC News
In Term One, our SRC worked with Mrs Williams and Mr McCulloch to compose a set of commitments that they will live by in their work as members of the Student Representative Council. The following document is a great pledge for our chosen leaders to adhere to. Built into these commitments are the school's mission and vision.
Cross Country
MONDAY 23/5/2022
10.00 - GRADE 6 2km
10.30 – GRADE 5 2km
11.30 - GRADE 4 1.6km
12.00 – GRADE 3 1.6km
12.30 - GRADE 2 1km
1.00 – GRADE 1 1km
2.15 - PREP 800m
Race start and finish for this year is on the MRC soccer field (top field below the Harcombe Centre).
Spectators and classes wishing to watch must do so from the fence line along the side of the soccer field. From this vantage point spectators can see all of the course.
Please ensure children bring a change of shoes and socks, children are encouraged to wear a plain house colour t shirt.
Children will be selected for the All Schools Cross Country held at Symmons Plains on the 9th of June depending on placement at this event.
Kinder Fun Run
Tuesday 31st of May
2.00pm - 3.00pm
Further details to be provided by classroom teachers
National Walk Safely to School Day
Walk 1 - meeting point Burnie Netball Car Park 8:10 – departing for school at 8:20
Walk 2 – meeting point Tas Uni (Mooreville Rd) carpark at 8.00 - departing for school at 8.10
School News
School Logo Update
Early in Term One, a survey was circulated that requested feedback on the Stella Maris logo.
The survey had over 100 responses from the school and parish communities. We would like to thank those who took the time to share their feedback with us.
Symbols such as our logo and school uniform are significant representations of who we are as a school and reflect where we have come from. When considering changes, we are deeply committed to understanding all perspectives and to being discerning in our decisions.
From the logo survey conducted, we can share that there remains strong support of our star symbol and the Mercy Cross. The feedback also indicated that respondents felt the overall visual impression of the school was traditional (59.2%) and professional (32%).
The school will be exploring various options in the colour, shape and font of the logo. As communicated in our uniform update, we will honour our history while looking forward to a dynamic future.
As the review process unfolds, we look forward to keeping the community informed.
Sustainability News in STEM
Our grade 1 students are learning how to make the world a more sustainable place. We discovered a real-world problem that is evident in our school that, “plastic isn’t really good for our Earth.” (William Steele). At lunch time we collected the plastic tomato sauce packaging that was used in one class for one meal. Where does this plastic end up?
The students are learning about decomposition times and discovered a banana peel takes 4 weeks to decompose and they were shocked to find out that a plastic straw may take 250 years and a plastic fork may take 1000 years to decompose! The children thought about how we can reduce the amount of plastic waste at our school.
Room 5 would like to suggest these ideas for our school community:
- Stop bringing food in plastic to school. - Sophie
- Stop the canteen from using plastic. - Lola and Jess
- Use paper bags instead of plastic. - Liam
- Ask shops not to use plastic, which is bad for our Earth. - Elsie
- Stop using plastic on mops and brooms use wood.- Mason
- Stop using plastic forks. - Marcus
- Use metal cutlery instead. - Oliver
- Don’t use plastic bowls. - Alexis
- We can use other materials. - Chanuthri
- Use broken things to make new items. - William Jones
The children asked if we could see if there was any plastic rubbish on the playground and we found lots of plastic food waste. What can you do to reduce the amount of plastic? Let’s all do our part to help Tasmania be cleaner and greener. Ban plastic!
Stella Stars
We are pleased to advise that Stella Stars returned on Wednesday 4th May. Please see our Facebook page - Stella Stars Early Years Learning to select your times for future sessions.
Please note that we are still following social distancing rules and strict hand hygiene rules. All adults must wear a face mask when indoors.
We look forward to seeing you all!
Outside News