Welcome to Term 2 Week 1 2022
Principals Report
Sunday Connection
Fourth Sunday of Easter, Cycle C
Sunday, May 8, 2022
Gospel Reading - John 10:27-30 Jesus describes his care for his sheep.
Family Connection
Not only can we recognise family members' voices, we can also read the tone of their voices and know something about how they are feeling. In our relationship with Jesus, we know Jesus' voice and are called to follow. Jesus doesn't just bring us closer to the Father, Jesus puts us directly into contact with God the Father, removing all distance between us. In the Gospel of John, Jesus identifies so closely with the Father that he tells us that they are one—not just close, but actually one. Knowing Jesus means knowing the Father.
Read with your family Sunday's Gospel, John 10:27-30. Ask your family members to talk about some ways that Jesus brings them closer to God and closer to one another. Pray together the Acts of Faith, Hope, and Love.
Act of Faith
O my God, I firmly believe that you are one God in three divine Persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I believe that your divine Son became man and died for our sins and that he will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe these and all the truths which the holy Catholic Church teaches because you have revealed them, who can neither deceive nor be deceived.
Act of Hope
O my God, relying on your infinite mercy and promises, I hope to obtain pardon of my sins, the help of your grace, and life everlasting, through the merits of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Redeemer.
Act of Love
O my God, I love you above all things with my whole heart and soul, because you are all good and worthy of all my love. I love my neighbour as myself for the love of you. I forgive all who have injured me and I ask pardon of those whom I have injured.
RE News
May- The Month of Mary and Mothers
Being the Mother of God did not guarantee Mary blissful and carefree motherhood. In fact, if anyone understands motherhood and all that it entails, it would be Mary. Amid the joy, Mary was continually challenged. The scripture stories about Mary are evident of this. Mary always placed her trust in God. We are invited to do likewise, mother or not.
Through Godly Play sessions, the older students have visited some of these stories, reflecting on Mary’s challenges and how these may relate to their own mothers. It is also an opportunity for them to take the time to reflect on how much mothers do for us, and, to be ever thankful to God for our mothers. Below are some of the experiences of Mary. Most mothers would be able to relate to the situations and the emotions these bring to mind.
Mothers-to-be have thoughts filled with joy and excitement. They also feel a degree of worry and uncertainty, as to what the future holds for their unborn. Mary was no exception when God’s messenger, the angel Gabriel, appeared to her saying that God had chosen her to be the Mother of God. As many women do, Mary said “Yes” to being a mother. She put her trust in God despite some of the questions and concerns that she had. (Luke 1:26-38).
Before the birth of Jesus, Mary visited and helped out her cousin Elizabeth who was also having a baby. Mary puts the needs of someone else before her own. (Luke 1:39-45). Mothers, in general, do this too. Despite their own concerns and discomforts, they tend to the needs of others, particularly their children.
When Jesus was born, King Herod wanted the infant Jesus dead. (Matthew 2: 13-23). Joseph, warned in a dream, leads Mary and baby Jesus to safety in a foreign country, Egypt. There have been, and still are, many mothers who have been forced to find refuge in another country for the safety of their child(ren) and the hope of giving them a better chance to flourish in life as God intended. The most recent example of this is the war in Ukraine. Most of us can only imagine this reality.
As a 12-year-old, Jesus becomes lost while travelling back to Nazareth after a Passover celebration in Jerusalem. His mother and Joseph are beside themselves with worry. They search and search, finally locating Jesus talking and teaching elders in a temple back in Jerusalem. (Luke 2: 41-52). After such a worrying time, such relief. Again, all mothers can relate to these kinds of situations and feelings. Mothers also help us when we lose our way and life, and do everything to help us to get back on track.
Mary and Jesus attended a wedding at Cana. The wine runs out, to which Mary makes Jesus aware. Initially, Jesus expresses the fact that his time had not yet come (to begin his ministry). Through Mary’s persistence and encouragement, Jesus responds. (John 2: 1-12). What child does not receive encouragement from their mother? Mothers demonstrate faith in their child’s ability to achieve, whether that be through learning to walk or to be the best person they can be.
There is then of course Mary’s greatest trial, witnessing the suffering and death of her beloved son Jesus. (John 19:1-41) A burden too great for anyone to bear. We remember and pray for the many mothers (and fathers) who have lost a child.
Mary, Mother of God, bless all mothers and help them to trust in God as you did. Amen.
School News
COVID-19 Update for Families, Term 2
Welcome back to all our families! A quick COVID-19 Update for Term 2:
Please see the link below to Premier Jeremy Rockliff’s 1 May 2022 COVID-19 Media Release.
Close contacts
Household close contacts of a confirmed case are no longer required to quarantine at home. For a close contact to leave home they must:
not be symptomatic (must remain at home if they are)
return a negative test each day before leaving home for the 7 days following their last contact with the confirmed case
wear a face mask in all indoor settings when outside the home
notify their employer of their close contact status – inform the workplace manager
if the person becomes symptomatic whilst in the workplace, they are to immediately return to their home.
Face masks
As previously stated please contact the school if you require rapid antigen tests (RATs). We continue to stock a limited supply to support families where practicable.
Uniform Updates
Please Note: Students will need to be wearing full winter uniforms by week 3. Due to stock delivery issues with school ties, students will be excused from wearing one if they are waiting on orders.
Uniform Update (Posted on Compass at the end of last term)
14th April 2022
Dear Families,
Last year the school sought feedback from the community about the Stella Maris uniform. This survey was strongly supported with 78% of families responding. The process was initiated due to strong feedback from parents and caregivers. Concerns included the cost of uniforms, availability, durability, and practicality for current educational practices.
Our focus and intention as a school are to:
- align our school uniform with the current curriculum and pedagogy (e.g, play
based learning, allowing for active play)
- explore more inclusive and functional uniform options for students (e.g, winter
- gain access to readily available stock in small quantity orders
- review the uniform for its affordability
- embrace our history while making a commitment to a dynamic future
Custom-made Uniform Challenges
Due to the unique colour of the school’s uniform, 78% of our items have to be custom made. Our uniform staff currently liaise with 16 active suppliers. Over the past two years, we have experienced increasing challenges with stock availability. In the majority of cases, the school is bearing increased freight costs due to the requirement of sourcing custom stock nationally and in some cases internationally. Another related issue is that the school is required to bulk order (and store) due to the custom nature of the uniform. Our current uniform is also restrictive in its size range and does not cater for all of our students.
We would like to provide you with an update and a number of assurances regarding any upcoming or potential future changes.
- School Shoes
The survey data indicated that respectively, 75% of students, 74% of parents and 83% of staff supported the change to black shoes. Feedback was centred around cost and choice.
Please note:
- The transition from brown shoes to black shoes commences in Term 2, 2022.
- Black shoes (with formal uniform) will be compulsory from Term 1, 2024.
- The current style of socks will continue to be worn until notified otherwise.
- School Ties - Supply Issue
The school is currently experiencing challenges with sourcing school ties for this Winter. Until stock arrives students without a tie will be excused from wearing this with their full winter uniform.
- Prep - Grade 2 Sports Uniform
The survey data indicated that 78% of parents supported Prep-Grade 2 wearing a sports uniform every day.
Please note:
- The option of either formal uniform or sports uniform for Prep-Grade remains
in place for 2022 and 2023.
- Prep-Grade 2 Sports Uniform every day will be compulsory from Term 1, 2024.
- Winter Tunic / Skirt
The survey data indicated that the winter tunic was the number one item of choice by both students and parents to be removed or changed.
Please note:
- From Term 2, 2022 new purchases of Grade 3-6 student winter tunics will
only be stocked as a skirt (without the bib).
- During this transition period, students still have the option of wearing the full
- For Grade 3 - 6 the winter skirt only will be compulsory from Term 1, 2024.
Future Uniform Changes
We will be reviewing the entirety of the school uniform throughout the duration of this year. Please be assured that we will be keeping you informed of any developments and seeking further feedback where appropriate.
We would like to thank you for your input to date and appreciate your understanding and support. We remain committed to providing a uniform that is inclusive and that supports student learning and wellbeing, whilst still embracing the history and culture of our school.
Stella Stars
We are pleased to advise that Stella Stars returned today, Wednesday 4th May. Please see our Facebook page to select your times for future sessions.
Please note that we are still following social distancing rules and strict hand hygiene rules. All adults must wear a face mask when indoors.
We look forward to seeing you all!
Assembly Awards - Just Like Jesus Awards & Class Awards
Congratulations to the students that received the "Just Like Jesus" award in our recent assembly. It means that they have been 'caught' treating others in an extra respectful manner.
Congratulations to all our class award recipients!
Parents & Friends News
Outside News