Welcome to Term 1 Week 10 2022
Principals Report
Luke 22: 14-23:56 From the cross, Jesus speaks words of forgiveness and promises that the good thief will be with him in paradise.
Family Connection
Palm Sunday, also called Passion Sunday, marks the beginning of Holy Week. During this
week, we prepare ourselves for Easter by prayerful reflection upon the events of Jesus'
passion and death. During this week, your family might display a crucifix in a prominent
place as reminder of salvation Christ won for us. This can also serve as the focal point for
family prayer during Holy Week.
Because of the length and complexity of the passion narrative, it is difficult for children to
remain attentive when it is proclaimed in its entirety. Families can make it a tradition to read
a portion of this Sunday's Gospel each day of Holy Week, providing ample opportunity for
children to ask questions and respond to the events described there. In this way, the entire
week can become a “way of the cross.”
Each day during Holy Week, the family can gather in a prayerful space with a crucifix as its
focal point. The passion as found in Luke's Gospel might be read as follows throughout the
Sunday: Luke 19:28-40 (Gospel at the Procession with Palms)
Monday: Luke 22:14-23
Tuesday: Luke 22:24-38
Wednesday: Luke 22:39-71
Thursday: Luke 23:1-25
Friday: Luke 23:26-49
Saturday: Luke 23:50-56
After reading from the Gospel each day, the family might reflect on the reading together.
Conclude your prayer time together by praying the Lord's Prayer.
Excerpts from the Sunday Connection copyright © Loyola Press. Used with permission.
Visit www.LoyolaPress.com for more information.
RE News
This Sunday is Palm Sunday. It heralds the beginning of Holy Week, the most important week in the church year. Holy Thursday we remember and reflect on Jesus sharing a final meal with his disciples. He washes their feet as a symbol to them, and us today, to serve one another. He breaks bread and shares wine, saying, “This is my body, this is my blood, do this in memory of me.” Jesus then goes to pray in the garden of Gethsemane before he is arrested and stands trial . On Good Friday we reflect on Jesus’ suffering and death. However, all this culminates in the joy of the Resurrection of Jesus on Easter morning.
During Holy Week, Prep- Grade 2 will participate in a special Godly Play session, “From Death to New Life.” Students in Grades 3-6 will be transported by bus to the Star of the Sea Church on the mornings of Tuesday 12th April (Gr 6 and 3) and Wednesday 13th April (Gr 4 and 5) to watch, listen and reflect on The Stations of the Cross.
Holy Week and Easter Ceremonies - Burnie /Wynyard Parish
Holy Thursday 14th April: Mass of the Lord’s Supper, Star of the Sea Catholic Church, Burnie at 7.00 pm.
Good Friday 15th April: Stations of the Cross: Star of the Sea Catholic Church, Burnie at 10.00 am
Good Friday 15th April: Stations of the Cross: St Joseph’s Catholic Church, Yolla, at 10.30 am
Good Friday 15th April: Passion of Our Lord, St Brigid’s Catholic Church, Wynyard at 3pm.
Holy Saturday 16th April: Easter Vigil , Star of the Sea Catholic Church, Burnie at 7.00 pm.
Easter Sunday 17th April: Easter Mass, St Brigid’s Catholic Church, Wynyard at 9.30 am.
School News
Stella Stars
We hope to be welcoming families back to Stella Stars in Term 2
Please keep an eye on our Facebook page for further updates.
School Photos - Postponed
School photos will be postponed until August due to Covid.
Orders placed will be carrried over, please call the school office if you have any queries.
Assembly Awards - Just Like Jesus Awards & Class Awards
Congratulations to the students that received the "Just Like Jesus" award in our recent assembly. It means that they have been 'caught' treating others in an extra respectful manner.
Congratulations to all our class award recipients!
SRC News...
Being responsible by caring for the environment has been the school's focus for Weeks 9 and 10. Caring for the inside and outside of the school is important as it means that we are showing gratefulness for what we have and respect by looking after it. This means that everyone needs to be responsible by putting rubbish in bins, picking up rubbish, not being wasteful and being prepared to do something for others or the environment because it is the right thing to do. If we all do this, our school and environment will be able to be enjoyed by all.
Upcoming Events
Week 11 - Easter symbol hunt - SRC to conduct with class teachers and students.
Term 2 – Vinnies Toiletry Drive – there is a big need for toiletries and toiletry bags especially for men, to give out when the Vinnies Van is supplying food to the needy.
Old Towel collecting for Vinnies Tasmania
Now is the perfect time to clean out your laundry cupboards.
Vinnies are aiming to collect 100,000 clean towels to repurpose as rags for commercial, industrial and domestic use. Any donations can be kept in the classroom for members of the SRC to collect on a Friday.
Parents & Friends News
Outside News