Welcome to Term 1 Week 6 2022
Principals Report
Second Sunday of Lent, Cycle C
Sunday, March 13, 2022
Gospel Reading Luke 9:28b-36
Jesus is transfigured in the presence of Peter, John, and James.
Family Connection
In Sunday's Gospel, the voice from heaven speaks to the disciples saying, “Listen to him.” The Transfiguration was a focused moment for the disciples when they heard God speaking to them and experienced Jesus in glory. They most certainly left this focused moment with a new appreciation for the importance of Jesus' words even if they did not yet understand everything that he had taught them. During Lent, we are invited to consider our attentiveness to Jesus and to one another. In the pace and noise that often characterises family life, how well do we listen to one another? What opportunities do we have for quiet prayer?
As you gather as a family, count the number of pieces of equipment in your home that produce sound: televisions, radios, CD players, computers, video games, etc. Observe if sometimes more than one piece of equipment is playing simultaneously and how this might affect communication. Discuss the question: What is it like to try to talk with one another when this equipment is on?
Read aloud Sunday's Gospel, Luke 9:28-36. Consider whether the noise and pace of your family life allows family members opportunities for quiet prayer. During Lent, it may be appropriate for your family to choose a time for quiet in the household by turning off televisions, radios, and CD players. Consider whether your family would like to establish such a time during this Season of Lent and suggest that it might allow you the opportunity to listen more attentively to one another and to find time for quiet prayer. Spend a few such moments as a family, asking God to help you listen well to one another and to Jesus.
Excerpts from the Sunday Connection copyright © Loyola Press. Used with permission. Visit www.LoyolaPress.com for more information.
RE News
The Sacramental Program for 2022 will commence in 4th May and conclude with the ceremonies of the Sacraments in the month of August. It is available to any baptised Catholic children in grades 4, 5 and 6 who wish to prepare for the Sacraments of Initiation: Reconciliation, Communion and Confirmation.
Please contact the school office to register your intention to enrol in the program by 1st April. Enrolment forms and dates of events will be sent home once we have been informed of your intention.
The venue will be in the MPR at Stella on Wednesday evenings starting 4th May.
If you have any queries please contact:
Claire Willis- Parish Sacramental Co-ordinator on 0439634844
Almsgiving: giving to the poor, has been part of the tradition of Lent in the church for centuries. CARITAS Project Compassion boxes are being sent home to each Stella family. Let us use this opportunity to support our vulnerable neighbours worldwide, by being generous and filling these boxes to capacity so that all future generations can have the things that we are lucky enough to have. These boxes do not need to be returned until the first week back Term 2.
Thank you.
End poverty
Promote justice
Uphold dignity
Project Compassion
School Photos
Monday 4th April
Students will be required to wear full summer uniform for photos.
Kinder to Grade 2 students need to wear their PE uniform for photos.
St Patricks Day
Thursday March 17th
Students are encouraged to wear something green with their full school uniform.
SRC News...
Last week on MJR radio Lachie and Mackenzie spoke about being safe in the playground and using the equipment correctly. Mackenzie saw some students playing basketball and remembering to use the right court for their Grade. This means that everyone has a chance to play and feel safe. Lachie saw the pump track people wearing helmets and following the rules of usage. This allowed everyone to have a go, injuries were prevented and enjoyment was had by all.
This week on MJR radio Hugo and Lucas spoke about lining up on time. Lucas mentioned that when everyone lines up how and when they are required to it shows respect for their peers as well as the teachers as no one has to wait and waste time. Hugo reminded us that the music is to stop doing what you were doing straight away and not wait until the music stops to pack up.
Upcoming Events
Old Towel collecting for Vinnies Tasmania
Now is the perfect time to clean out your laundry cupboards.
Vinnies are aiming to collect 100,000 clean towels to repurpose as rags for commercial, industrial and domestic use. Any donations can be kept in the classroom for members of the SRC to collect on a Friday.
Coming Soon
Sunflowers for Ukraine
A gold coin donation day is coming soon where students will be given a sunflower in exchange for a gold coin. Money raised will support the families in Ukraine.
Uniform Shop
Change of hours next week due to public holiday.
Tuesday 8.30am - 12.30pm
Parents & Friends News
Annual Easter Raffle
The Easter Raffle is one of P&F's major fundraisers each year. We will be sending tickets home soon for families. In the meantime, if you are in a position to donate goods for the raffle that would be greatly appreciated. Please drop donations into the school office.
School Netball
Stella Netball teams have been selected and you will be contacted soon by your child's coach for further information.
We hope the children have a terrific season.
Outside News